Pre Employment Drug Test
Home Career How To Make Sure You Pass Your Pre Employment Drug Test

How To Make Sure You Pass Your Pre Employment Drug Test

by Eric

Pre employment drug test is becoming an essential screening step before hiring candidates for the right reasons. With a sharp increase in the use and abuse of different types of substances, it is the responsibility of employers and companies to ensure complete safety and prevention of any accidents or mishaps at work. And pre-employment drug tests, quite like running a comprehensive background check, help with this. If you’re keen to have answers to common drug test questions, here’s everything you need to know.

  • What Is Pre Employment Drug Test?

Pre employment drug testing is sometimes a part of the hiring process in some companies, wherein they try to ensure that the candidate they intend to select does not abuse illegal drugs or prescription medications. While these tests are common before the employment of a candidate, some employers may also use drug tests at random to ensure a safe work environment.

  • Why Pre Employment Drug Test is necessary?

As per reports by the National Institute on Drug Abuse, employees with substance abuse issues have a greater likelihood of compromising work by being late to work, missing work, changing jobs too frequently, and being involved in workplace accidents. Employees who abuse substances may also make the workplace dangerous for other employees. When employers strive to make the workplace safe for every individual, pre employment drug testing and routine screening significantly help with that.

Additionally, pre-employment and routine drug tests are crucial for certain industries that manufacture goods and operate heavy machinery and equipment. Any mishap can cost a life in such cases, which makes drug tests an essential step to ensure overall safety.

  • Most Common Types of Pre Employment Drug Tests

Some common types of drug tests used for pre-employment screening and regular drug screening for employees in a company are as follows-

  • Urine Test

One of the most common types of drug tests used in the US by employers, a urine test can detect substances used in the past 5 to 10 days. When a urine test is used as a pre employment drug test, employers generally offer the job on a provisional basis, which is subject to change based on the trets results.

  • Blood Drug Tests

A blood drug test requires a licensed phlebotomist to draw a sample of blood from the candidate for a job or employee, which is then sent to the lab for being tested. The results of a blood drug test reveal the types and levels of drugs or alcohol present in the blood at the time of drawing the sample. Read more about Top 5 Strategies to Ace Residency Medical Interviews.

  • Saliva Drug Screen

Saliva tests are used as a fool-proof method of drug testing as it can be next to impossible for a candidate to dilute or adulterate the sample. They’re also cheaper compared to some of the other tests, and they’re less invasive, making them relatively convenient.

  • Hair Drug Tests

One of the reasons why hair drug tests are popular is that they have a longer detection span than most other drug tests. A hair test involves collecting 100 strands of hair of the employee or candidate, and it can detect the presence of substances up to three months before the date of testing. However, hair drug tests cannot be used for testing the presence of alcohol.

  • What Shows Up On These Drug Tests?

Pre employment drug test may entail a range of tests to check the use of substances, such as amphetamines (meth, crank, speed, ecstasy), cocaine, marijuana or THC, phencyclidine, and opiates, among others. Blood tests are commonly used to detect the presence of alcohol in the sample, which indicates alcohol use.

  • Tips To Pass Your Pre-Employment Drug Test

When being tested for the presence of a substance or alcohol, it is best, to be honest, and not take any unethical measures to manipulate the results. If your company runs regular drug tests or your potential employers are seeking a pre-employment drug test to screen you for the job, you can follow the below-mentioned tips to pass your drug test.

  • Know Your Rights Before Testing

There are a set of federal and state discrimination laws, invasion of privacy, and defamation-related laws that protect an individual’s rights. Knowing your rights will equip you with the knowledge of when a drug test is required, and how exactly the employer can go about it.

  • Prepare Yourself For The Test

Knowing how long a drug stays in the system and how different drug tests work can help you be better prepared for the test. Some tests, such as a blood test, can be invasive. When you know the test that you’re about to take, it helps you stay mentally prepared for it.

  • Understand What Type Of Drug Test You’ll Be Taking

With a range of drug tests to select from, you should always ask your employer what test they plan to use. This is also a part of your right, so be assured that any employer using a drug test on you should divulge this information before the drug test. Understanding how the sample is taken, when you can expect reports, and what all substances the test detects can be helpful.

  • Know Why Some People Fail A Drug Test

Certain times, some people who don’t actually take any substances or alcohol may also fail a test. This may happen from taking over-the-counter medications or certain prescription medications. If that is the case with you, you can always talk to your employer about it and see what can be done.

The best way to ensure that you pass a drug test is to avoid using drugs in the first place. Not only does it put the safety of other people at the workplace at stake, but it can also challenge your productivity at work and make it extremely difficult to find a job that you would want to stick to in the long run. Additionally, knowing your rights and what can be done if you fail a drug test will also help you explore measures to be taken, and how to ensure you pass your subsequent drug tests.

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