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Home Entertainment Top 3 Online Dating Apps Swiping The World With Love

Top 3 Online Dating Apps Swiping The World With Love

by REX

The sound of “Left Swipe” is the new normal way to build a connection in this generation. But, what about the concept? Well, stay put with us to know everything about online dating & its popularity amongst people.

Online dating may be the latest manifestation of what humans instinctively do for generations to find love, but it sure did bring people of different countries closer than ever. Since its modern broadcast or public acknowledgment in 1965 when a bunch of Harvard students created Operation Match- the first matchmaking connection in the US, its development has been unstoppable.

Thanks to the drastic change in the world of social platforms on the internet, starting with Facebook, we’re now blessed with dating apps. Not just websites but secure apps that control and protect your data with high security.

This brings us to our next point, what are these online dating sites & how popular are they across the world. Let’s find out.

To begin with dating apps, we may be well acquainted with Tinder, Badoo, and Bumble but Facebook is the real OG. It might not be the ideal platform for dating but sure did make several romantic bonds for better or for worse, and continuing to do so.

However, following the up-gradation of social media throughout many years, the first official dating app that holds the first position on the charts, Tinder was introduced. It is a fairly common dating app with 50m users in every country worldwide.

Although many people are still not a part of this online sphere of communication, they sure know the names of these apps. There are several benefits of online dating for today’s generation. And, it actually works for most people today.

That is why we are going to present to you the top 3 dating apps that have grabbed the attention of even the most isolated countries/continents. Also, they are ranked based on their popularity and user count in the following paragraph.

Source: Betway’s blog

3 Widely Popular Dating Apps

The following are well-known and used apps that connect love interests daily.


The name itself marks its own territory. With almost 50m users in every country, Tinder tops the list of most used dating apps in modern history. Especially in South America and Asia, there is a huge following and regular user update on Tinder.

It is a pretty convincing dating app where you can smoothly swipe into your love life, backed up by security. The app allows young adults to elderly people to join and find a match online. The suggested profiles are exhibited on one’s profile based on the interest that they put in the app. A very secure and well-regulated app, Tinder has a sturdy future in the race of best dating apps. 


The second most popular on the list of dating apps, Badoo is a dating website where users can chat and meet with people online.

Based in Soho, London, Badoo is unrestricted for everyone. However, users can prefer to pay for premium features. Presently, Badoo has 500m users.  Users of this dating app can chat, upload photos and post videos. The ‘People Nearby’ feature also allows users to see & contact people in their nearby area. The ‘Search’ feature however enables the user to contact people in different parts of the world.

The app is extremely popular in America, but something is going downwards for it to compete with Tinder. Still, a great dating app to register into if you are interested in building a global connection in just a flick of a few seconds. 


The American-based dating app, Bumble retains the third position on this list with around 42m user base worldwide. In India, however, this app came into the limelight with the desi girl Priyanka Chopra becoming the ambassador of Bumble.

Although Bumble has a fairly good user base worldwide, this app is yet not familiarized to many people. On global charts, it only occupies 2% of the total percentage of user activity compared to others.

The app actually needs to work more to advertise its campaign and facilities to people, otherwise, it will stay aloof for a while. Besides that, it is a great app and should be promoted for gradual increment in user entry.

Apart from these three apps, there are a few dating sites scattered here and there. However, these three apps are to stay here for a while because of the advancement they are bringing in. Also, this new way of finding love is emerging to be a giant thing across the continents and Asia seems to be going just great.

Ending Note

The results are showing that there are distinct approaches in the world of online dating. It is also molded in various cultural shapes and requisites. However, despite everything with the connection speed of 5G, aiming to impress an individual is now easier than ever. Hence, keep on fighting!


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