Rewrite an Essay
Home Writing 7 Hints on How to Rewrite an Essay Free from Plagiarism

7 Hints on How to Rewrite an Essay Free from Plagiarism

by Eric

Plagiarism is one of the major problems that each modern student can experience. If you have to write an essay, you may search for the information on the Internet. It is essential not to copy anything from the web; so, you should be attentive to this. Even if you never had an intention to copy anything from the web, your paper may contain plagiarism if you do not have good skills in paraphrasing.

It is the intentional or unintentional copying of some content from other sources. Such fraud may be easily detected with the help of plagiarism detecting software. Your paper may also contain indirect copying. It is a form of falsification when software does not detect any instances of plagiarism. There is no direct copy and paste, but the ideas you write as yours are borrowed from other researchers. So, in this case, you may be accused of academic dishonesty. It is more difficult to detect this form of plagiarism; still, it is possible to do it.

Rewriting is the best strategy to avoid plagiarism. Have you ever tried to rewrite the text? Was it easy? Could you find appropriate words to ensure that your paper was unique? Could you guarantee that the detection software would confirm the authenticity of your writing? If you cannot positively answer these questions, you need to read this article. You will be able to learn much new information about avoiding fraud.

Do you want to hand in papers without fear of being caught for plagiarism? Do you wish to know the ways how to avoid copying? This article contains the best tips on how to rewrite an essay without plagiarism. Check these 7 essay rewriting tips on how to avoid the problem in your essay and enjoy high grades.

Use Paraphrasing Tools:

Many applications and tools can help you provide unique content. If you need to paraphrase some information, you may search for the synonyms using numerous websites. In this case, you will be offered a range of variants to use instead of the words you have. You may also find a rephrasing generator that will help you rewrite the sentences automatically. Such machines guarantee plagiarism-free results preserving the same meaning. Such generators substitute the words with synonyms. We want to warn you about using such generators regularly. You never know who has also used the generator and inserted the same text as you have found. These automatic machines simply change words without understanding whether the newly provided content matches or not. So, you should use such generators in rare cases only and edit and amend the writing you will receive.

Do not complicate:

One of the major problems students have is that they think that if they write more complex sentences and use more complicated constructions, they will avoid plagiarism. This is not always so. If you copy a sentence and just make it more complicated, you will still have plagiarized content. Paraphrasing does not mean making a sentence more complicated. You may use a complicated sentence and rewrite it using short sentences. The main idea is to deliver the same meaning with different words. You are free to choose which particular words you wish to use in your piece of writing. You may use different sentence constructions because the application of synonyms is a poor idea for paraphrasing. Some plagiarism detection programs consider synonyms and detect such content as not unique.


Using direct quotes is the best way to avoid plagiarism. If you wish to use a particular phrase from a source, you may use quotation marks and copy and paste it. You should cite the quote following the required citation style. Still, being the best way to avoid plagiarism, you should consider that you will not quote the whole essay. You may quote a maximum of 10% of the whole text you complete. Thus, if you have an essay of 1000 words, you may quote not more than 100 words from your writing. These are the general recommendations and your educational establishment may have other requirements. You should do your best to avoid lengthy quotes. Try to use 2-3 short phrases to support your writing.

Read, have some tea, and only then write:

One of the major mistakes that lead to plagiarism is starting writing immediately after you have read the text. Don’t do this. You should take some time away from the work under analysis. Read an article, and go out to have some tea, or do another assignment. You should start writing an essay only after you return in a couple of hours. This will give you some time to process the information, interpret it, and only then rewrite it. If you are afraid of forgetting some issues, you may make notes while reading. Note-taking is a good strategy to avoid plagiarism and ensure that you have taken the major ideas from the text.

Avoid Bullet Points:

Using bullet points is a tricky strategy. Some students believe that if they reduce the writing from full sentences to bullet points, the system will not detect such parts as plagiarism. Don’t risk in such away. If you compose an essay, you need to use complete sentences. There is also a high risk that such bullet points will be detected. You should use other words to state the same idea. Also, you may refer to a particular article and oppose what has been written there. In this case, you will take the ideas but you will write using other words. Also, you will not have to develop unnecessary bullet points that may fairly affect your paper. Read more about How To Write an Essay: Tips and Tricks for Beginners.

Cite Sources:

A proper citation is an effective strategy to avoid plagiarism. No matter whether you paraphrase the information or use direct quotes, you have to cite the source where you have taken the data. You should check the required citation style. Your task is to follow the formatting style both on the reference page and in the text. Depending on the citation style, you may be required to refer to the author’s last name and a page number or the year. If you have a Chicago or Turabian citation style, you may need to include footnotes. It is advisable that you should double-check the requirements attentively. The reference to the source is a guarantee that you will not be accused of plagiarism.

Use a plagiarism checker:

You have to always check your papers. There are many free tools for plagiarism check. You may have access to some paid plagiarism software at your college. If you have to ensure the high quality of your writing and zero fraud, you need to buy a subscription to some popular plagiarism checking software to check each of your papers. Grammarly is one of the best tools that could help you detect plagiarism, as well as some grammar and stylistic mistakes.


Rewriting is a complicated task. If you follow the advice provided above, you will see that it is easy to avoid plagiarism. Follow the tips and hand in unique and premium-quality papers.

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