Dissertation Writing
Home Tech Dissertation Writing: A complete structure you need to know

Dissertation Writing: A complete structure you need to know

by Eric

Do you have any idea about the dissertation, that what is it? If not, after reading my article you will completely know about the dissertation. In some countries, a dissertation is also known as a thesis. In a few countries this assignment deeds as the last assignment for Ph.D., but in other countries thesis or dissertation are interchangeable. When you write a simple essay it will approach a maximum of 1000 to 1200 words but when it comes to thesis or dissertation it will require 10 to 20 thousand words for master’s level and extent from 50,000 words for Ph.D., on a specific topic that’s set by a department or student chose him or her. The goal of the dissertation is to generate an original piece of work on a clearly defined topic.

Generally, it is used to submit as part of a Ph.D. or master’s and sometimes as part of a bachelor’s degree. It will prove as the longest writing work of yours you have ever done. It consists of chapters any might headings and sub-headings. Dissertation based on a specific subject. In this article I will apprise you about the structure of dissertation writing, after reading this you will understand how to generate a convincing thesis or dissertation for your last assignment. You will know ample things about the structure of thesis writing and what things are needed for completing it. Read more about Proposal Writing: Everything you should know.

General Structure for Dissertation Writing:

  • The Title/Proposal Quest
  • Short Summary/Abstract
  • Introduction
  • Literature Review
  • Methodology
  • Consequences and Discussion
  • Conclusion and Extra Sections

Title/Proposal Quest:

Questing the right title or proposal for a dissertation or thesis is the hardest part than you may think. If you choose a vague title for your thesis then you will have to face many risks like; lacking focus, cohesion, and not making any specific points worthy of note. Just search title which will help you to focus on something specific, ask a particular question, or build a particular comparison.

You can have a two-part title, the first part the main title is probably short and a bit general in nature but the second part will very concentrate, collecting specific facets of the main title (first title). Alternatively, construct the main title mysterious, puzzling or cryptic, and seemingly contradictory, after this follows a sub-title that will spell out what it is about. These aspects of your dissertation will make readers more curious to read.

Short Summary/Abstract:

Short summary is generally deemed as an overview of the title. It depends on a maximum of 3 to 5 hundred words. It includes the content intro of your dissertation and probably its consequences. The abstract is the second part of your dissertation writing. Abstracts are arranged in a database for those questing for info of their interest to them can see quickly. But it is not determined whether your work will useful for them or not. Instead of this that it is put at the very starting of your work it will help you to write your next content.


The introduction is the very key part of your dissertation. It includes the following things;

  • Goals and purposes (intentions) of the probing/findings
  • Context of the probing
  • Elucidation of the key terms used
  • Explanation of the structure/shape of the dissertation

Literature Review:

The literature review puts your dissertation or thesis in the body of recent quest and literature. The literature review justifies the question which you have selected for your dissertation writing. Methodology and literature review connect with each other because what you want to write in your thesis or dissertation should emerge with the former literature.


The methodology is the clarification of your thesis content and how you are going to answer the research question. It is necessary to be apprised with an explanation that what methods you are going to use to assemble and analyze your text content. You also need to enlighten yourself about the decisions you made by picking things from literature and citing their references.

Consequences and Discussion:

If you have studied the experimental studies which make the primary data, perhaps these will be written in two vary parts, might be part first written with “results”. On the other hand, if you have studied the literature-based probing using secondary data then you will tend to write them together (it’s not a strict principle it is good for you that you should always discuss this with your supervisor).

The findings describe your probed text and the consequences of your analysis to the reader. These must be non-vague and logical. Discussion is the central section of your dissertation. Don’t include new info or data in it but what you have written should be meaningful. If some questions are erecting in your mind then you must discuss those questions that why, when, this happens and also the solution for ignoring them in the future.


By taking an overview of your dissertation writing guess how well you have written the answer to your thesis question (topic). Give a short overview in conclusion that what you have studied and what you can now say about your thesis Title.

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