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Home Health TOP 10 corporate wellness programs

TOP 10 corporate wellness programs

by Eric

That’s a boom in health care The COVID-19 pandemic has shifted consumer priorities from health and wellbeing to self-care. Self-care has become a requirement rather than a choice for consumers, and global digitization gives huge opportunities for companies.

  1. Lectures, training, and seminars on healthy lifestyle

Teaching workers a healthy lifestyle is crucial now. After all, employee activity and health directly affect team performance and success.

Dietary guidelines, exercise programs, workplace ergonomics, and stress management are the most popular corporate health and wellness themes.

Events may take many forms: one-hour offline training sessions, corporate weekends in nature, internet webinars, or conferences.

  1. Regular Fit Breaks (or Yoga Breaks) at Work

Long-term sitting causes sickness and loss of health. A study of 267,153 Australians revealed that individuals who sat less (0-4 hours per day) were healthier and rated their quality of life higher than those who sat more (8 hours or more). The authors of the paper emphasize that sitting time is a new independent indicator in lifestyle and health research.

Many office employees spend 30-60 minutes a day on exercise (such as going to the gym), yet this does not protect them from the impacts of continuous sitting. Preventive gymnastics or a fit break is essential for office workers who spend most of their time at a computer.

  1. Screenings and Health Passport

It’s important to keep track of your health and catch problems early. You probably check your vehicle often, so why not yourself?

Today, unique screening programs, preventative medical checkups, and systems for rapid illness diagnosis are available to examine one’s health (check-up). A doctor may monitor health using the company’s Health Passport, which stores information on procedures, studies, immunizations, sick leave, complaints, and suggestions. This timely control improves team health and saves the company money. Read more about Hip Dip Surgery: Procedure, cost, and side effects.

  1. Walking Meetings

Many leaders, like Twitter’s Jack Dorsey and Facebook’s Mark Zuckerberg, prefer walking for business and outdoor meetings.

Walking promotes relaxation, confidence, attention, and creativity. This meeting style also prevents you from wasting time.

  1. Healthy eating in the office

Inadequate nutrition impacts DALY (Disability-Adjusted Life Year) – the number of years lost to disease or death. As a consequence, experts estimate that malnutrition costs the earth 255 million years of healthy life.

The desire to eat “cookies” or “seize” tension at work will be reduced if you plan ahead of time and prepare or purchase nutritious items.

  1. Organization of a running club and participation in races

Enjoy running? Form a company-wide jogging club. Find like-minded individuals, plan routes, make an announcement, train consistently, and participate in races and marathons as a team.

Running is more than that. It is inspiration, enthusiasm, and well-being.

  1. Corporate sports

Don’t restrict yourself to one sort of exercise. Other sports include football, basketball, triathlon, hockey, orienteering, and water polo. Pick your poison. You may take “for fun” workshops, learn new talents, or just “cheer” for your favorite team during contests.

  1. Workplace meditation and other anti-stress programs

According to a study, a stressed employee costs the organization $2,000 each year. Mindfulness may help prevent stress-related employee burnout and save health insurance costs. A number of major corporations use stress-relieving techniques such as meditation or anti-stress programs.

  1. Office massage

Massage is another powerful anti-stress treatment. Office massage is also a healthy and enjoyable treatment.

Massage is also essential for hypodynamia and sedentary jobs to avoid office syndrome. Forget about carpal tunnel, neck, lower back, shoulder blade, and joint discomfort!

  1. Gadgets and Gamification

Gamification is a great approach to disseminate health across an organization. Gadgets help us walk more, drink more water, track our diet, and exercise. Employee competitions using unique trackers or corporate mobile apps will engage them in the exciting drive towards health and well-being.

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