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Home Home Improvement Preserving Your Home’s Charm: A Complete Guide to Sash Windows

Preserving Your Home’s Charm: A Complete Guide to Sash Windows

by Eric

You’ve been debating this for a while, but it’s time to set up your home with new windows. If you want to put an interesting spin on your style, consider buying sash windows. No matter if you go modern or traditional, they provide a classic look that you can’t get anywhere else. They’re a popular choice for historical buildings, but that doesn’t mean that you can’t give them a try as well.

Before you call up an installer, there are a few things that you should know about these windows. We can tell you all about what they are and give you a few price quotes that you can work with. Keep reading to learn more.

History of Sash Windows? 

First thing’s first. What is the history of sash windows? Believe it or not, they date back all the way to the 13th century.  Well, that’s when the basic design came about. Back then, they were wooden shutters that opened vertically. In the 16th and 17th centuries, a horizontal model was introduced onto the market. It was around this time that France took up the design. They believed that sash windows were a safer alternative to other types of windows because they don’t open inward. Over time, sash windows have been through many improvements to make them lighter and easier to open.

How Do They Work?

As the name suggests, these windows work with a sash that sits inside the frame. In the case of the traditional design, a weight rests within the frame as well to keep the sash balanced. If you look at modern designs, they use springs instead of the old weight method. These are a little safer and more convenient because there’s no cord that you have to pull. In the case of double-hung windows, two sashes rest within the panes. This allows the window to open both vertically and horizontally.

Benefits of Sash Windows:

If you’re looking to make some money off your power bill, sash windows are a great way to do it. Most of them include weatherproofing that will prevent warm air from escaping during the winter, and stop cool air from coming in. Even though these windows date back so far in history, that doesn’t mean that they won’t work with your modern house. They’re pretty, no matter what your home design looks like.

This means having them will increase your curb appeal, and when it comes time to sell your home, you might be able to get a little more cash for it. Since they open from top to bottom, it makes them easier to keep clean than many other window models that are on the market right now.

Window Maintenance Steps:

If you want to keep your windows working well for years to come, you will have to keep up with regular maintenance. This is the case for any window model you go with. The first step is keeping them clean, which again isn’t too hard.

If something breaks, you might be able to fix it with a DIY. For the things you can’t handle on your own, Parsons Joinery can take care of it. It’s also important to get the wood around the window frame checked out at least once a year. If you don’t stay on top of it, the timber could rot, which means bad things for your windows.

Can You Get Them Double Glazed? 

Most people don’t go with single-glazed windows anymore. They’re cost-effective, but they aren’t energy-efficient, making them not worth it. This being said, a question many homeowners have is if you can get your sash windows double glazed. The answer is yes. There are even triple-glazed options available, but they’re more expensive. Depending on your budget, going to that extreme might not be worth it.

Should You Repair or Replace Them?

No matter how good you are about staying on top of maintenance, age will catch up with your windows eventually. When this time comes, is it better to opt for sash window repair or replace them? In most situations, there aren’t many issues that warrant a full replacement. Once you repair them, your sash windows can last for many more years to come as long as you take care of them.

If you are planning to do a full replacement, do yourself a favor and hold on to the sashes. You might be able to repurpose them for your new windows and save money on the installation process.

How Much Does It Cost to Replace or Repair Them?

The average price for sash window installation ranges between 300 and 3,000 dollars. Many factors will skew the price. You’ll pay about a hundred dollars more for double-hung windows than single-hung.

Size and the type of materials you use will also play a huge role. The larger the window, the more complicated the job gets, which increases the labor cost. If you’re trying to budget, vinyl sash windows aren’t a bad choice. You won’t have to deal with a lot of maintenance. It’s also durable and immune to rot.

The best part? You’ll only pay about 100 dollars for vinyl. While you can customize wood, if you don’t have a lot of money to work with, paying for the aesthetic might not be worth it because it costs so much more.

Fix Up Your Home With Sash Windows:

Installing sash windows is a great way to bring a classic spin to your home. While they originated with Victorian-styled houses, they can also work well with modern designs. They’re also easy to keep up with and will decrease your power bill. What’s not to love? Are you looking for more ways to turn heads around your neighborhood? Visit the Home Improvement section of our blog for all the latest tips and tricks.

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