Mold Removal vs Mold Remediation
Home Home Improvement Mold Removal vs. Mold Remediation

Mold Removal vs. Mold Remediation

by Eric


Remediation is removing contaminated material and mold.

Mold removal:

Mold removal is the removal of actual mold from surfaces, but not removing the material.

Mold is a serious problem for residential and commercial properties. A spot of this green, black, or yellow spore grows exponentially if not treated. It gets behind the walls into the framing and foundation. There are ways to get rid of it via removal or remediation. Here’s the difference between mold removal vs. mold remediation.

They’re Interchangeable Statements

Mold remediation by a company like 58 Foundations is interchangeable with removal. Both concern the elimination of these toxic materials from a property. The main difference is the steps required to make it happen.


Remediation is the act of stopping or reversing changes in the environment. In this case, it minimizes the damage mold does to surrounding environments. Through this action, you’re able to stop it from spreading any further.

Remediation Method

The best way to remediate mold’s effects is through a biocide. This is an EPA-approved chemical that immediately kills the spores that cause extended growth. After this is done, a mildew-resistant coating like paint or whitewash is sprayed on the surface to prevent the remaining spores from growing.

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Removal is another level of remediation. On top of reversing the growth of mold, the source of its origins is located and eliminated. Furthermore, more stringent methods of removal are required when mold expands to other surfaces.

Removal Methods

The first thing done is to discover where the spores are coming from. There are several reasons mold is created. For instance, humid areas like basements are ripe for mold growth if vents are clogged or closed to prevent air circulation. It can also happen due to water damage from a sewage problem or flooding.

Once these are discovered remediation is performed. In the case of clogged air vents, the entire duct system is cleaned and disinfected. If it’s due to water damage, then the affected pipes are repaired while standing water is removed.

Next is the process of removing mold from infected surfaces. Small areas can be erased with the aforementioned biocide. However, in situations where the spores have spread throughout a greater area, further investigation is warranted.

Not only do walls and floors need to be checked. An examination is also required in air ducts and within a property’s frame and foundation. If mold is discovered in these areas then a thorough cleaning is mandatory. Normally, this requires residents to leave for several days while the entire property is treated.

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When it comes to mold removal vs. remediation the main goal is to stop its invasiveness. In the end, it’s better to slow and reverse its growth than to reconstruct your property. Therefore, take care of mold as soon as it’s detected.

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