Can I Sue My Landlord if I Slip and Fall in My Apartment?
Home Law Can I Sue My Landlord if I Slip and Fall in My Apartment?

Can I Sue My Landlord if I Slip and Fall in My Apartment?

by Eric

We often consider slip-and-fall accidents to be minor missteps that result in a bruise to both the body and the ego. However, these accidents can often cause severe injuries leading to significant financial issues and medical problems.

In these cases, landlords may be liable if they played a part in creating unsafe conditions. Having a lawyer on your side during slip-and-fall cases is incredibly valuable, as these legal experts can help you navigate these tricky cases and get all the compensation you deserve.

When are Landlords Liable for Apartment Slip and Fall Cases?

In general, the following criteria have to be met in order for landlords to be held responsible for someone slipping and falling on their property:

  1. The landlord did not maintain a safe residence. Landlords are responsible for maintaining a safe environment for tenants and guests on the property. It should be noted: that this responsibility does not apply to trespassers or individuals who have entered the property illegally.
  2. Because the residence was unsafe, someone slipped and fell at the property. If, as a direct result of the landlord not maintaining a safe environment, a person was injured on the property, the landlord may be responsible.
  3. This slip and fall accident resulted in financial issues for the victim. The accident in question may have caused financial hardship for the victim of the fall. In these cases, the landlord will likely be liable for many of the medical bills or other issues that resulted from his or her negligence with regard to the safety of the property.

The points listed above are generalities and do not apply to every situation. However, in most cases, if these conditions are met, you may be able to sue the landlord for a slip and fall accident.

What Are Some Common Causes of Apartment Slips and Fall Cases?

There are many ways a person can be injured in an apartment building. Some of the common causes include:

  • Weather-related issues such as snow, rain, or ice that has made an area slippery.
  • Trash bags that have accumulated in an area and present a tripping hazard.
  • Poorly maintained common areas such as uneven stairs, broken tiles, and improperly secured handrails.

Any dangerous situation that a landlord knowingly ignores, which then leads to an injury is likely to lead to a legitimate slip-and-fall accident claim. Read more about Useful tips for hiring A Family Law Attorney?

Should I Hire a Lawyer for My Apartment Slip and Fall Accident?

Having a lawyer on your side during the legal proceedings in these cases is a very smart idea. These experts know all of the steps you should take so that you get the most money possible. For example, your lawyer will ensure that you:

  • Have documented the scene of the accident to show how dangerous the situation was;
  • Are seen by a medical professional to address your injuries;
  • Follow the proper steps to ensure you don’t sign away your rights before receiving compensation.

Have you been injured in an apartment slip-and-fall accident? If so, call an experienced lawyer today!

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