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Home Health Breast screening in Singapore – When should we start doing breast screening

Breast screening in Singapore – When should we start doing breast screening

by Eric

Every year data shows breast cancer is the leading type of cancer among women. The data is alarming, and the advocated solution is to start breast screening early and occasionally. If the cancer cells are detected, you get treatment before the cancer cells have spread, leading to a complication during treatment. 

Breasting screening has also been recommended to all women, but still, some ask when to start breast screening.  Here we will shed light on when it is required to start breast screening. 

There are several reasons why there is the advocacy of breast imaging. Among the top reasons is to try and reduce the morality of death associated with breast cancer. Also, through breast screening, the cancer is detected early, making the treatment more effective and avoiding an instance where one has to undergo complete mastectomies rather than breast-conserving surgery. 

Moreover, if the cancer is found and is still only restricted to the breast before it’s even spread to other parts of the body, the five-year life expectancy will rise to more than 90%.

In view of these statistics, it was never more crucial to begin screening at an early age. Experts employ different approaches to arrive at these statistics but all agree it best to start breast screening at an early age. 

Conclusively, it is important to start breast screening early enough, and here we will look at breast screening at different ages, starting after a woman is out of adolescence. 

1.Doing breast screening in your 20s

  • Some believe Breast cancer is prone in older women; this case is not true. Today, you can find a woman in her 20s who has been diagnosed with breast cancer. You can start breast imaging should thus start in the 20s, which will help create a habit to have breast cancer screening at an early age. 
  • There are even ways to self-examine your breast, but it is not screening. If you notice anything out of the ordinary, even if you are in your 20s, it is important to go for a check-up. 
  • Though self-examination is not officially a form of breast cancer screening, most instances are discovered when women self-examine and notice newly emerging lumps or visual anomalies.
  • If you’re a woman in your twenties, check your breasts once a month, the week after your menstruation finishes, for anything out of the norm. These regular self-checks should begin in your teens or no later than age 20 and should be continued throughout your life.

2.Doing breast screening at age 25 onward

  • Starting at the age of 25, even if you don’t have health concerns about your breasts and regardless of your medical history, you should begin visiting specialized polyclinics and their gynecologists for a professional check-up.
  • Breast ultrasonography is the first line of defense and the preferred method of screening for women under the age of 30 and teenagers who have a breast complaint.
  • 3D mammography is the best way to get breast screening because it can help in detecting cancer cells in mass and non-mass-forming breast cancer. It aids clinicians in comprehending the structure and characteristics of a breast tumor.

3. Doing breast screening at age 35 and up.

  • According to one of the researchers, it shows when women are in their 30s chances of being detected with cancer cells and it is important to get breast screened. 
  • The researchers examined over 5.7 million mammograms performed between 2008 and 2015 on 2.6 million women. During the research, there was a comparison of three risk factors (personal history, family history, and dense breasts), without these risk factors, with women in their 40s.
  • Women in their 30s were equally sensitive, although those rates were higher in women with at least one of the risk variables. The research also came to a conclusion that women in their 30s who faced at least one of the risk factors, the chances of women in their 40s and 44s faced similar detection. 
  • A few breast risk models have various risk factors that may make doctors and patients confusing. However, this study defined women more simply and inclusively in an increased risk. Any woman with thick breasts, a personal history of breast cancer, or a first-degree relative who has had breast cancer is thought to be at higher risk.
  • If you are in your 30s, you must go for a check-up at least twice a month. You can find here the best 3d mammogram center, and we offer the best cost of mammograms in Singapore. 

4. Doing breast screening at age 40 and onward

  • The “gold standard” for breast cancer screening is mammography, whose reliability has been scientifically proven. Thus, women must begin at age 40, despite having no breast-related complaints, have annual mammography. Your doctor may recommend that you start breast cancer early if you have a family history.
  • Mammographic screening reduces average cancer death rates by 30% due to early diagnosis. Early diagnosis involves improving efficiency and timeliness. Thereby, treatments with fewer side effects and breast-preserving operations are possible as death rates decrease.
  • At 40 years and above, statistics show it is where most ladies are detected with breast cancer. Thus it would help if you never went a month without having breast imaging to ascertain your breasts are healthy. 
  • If you are in your 40s, it is imperative you go for a check-up at least twice a month. You can find here the best 3d mammogram center, and we offer the best cost of mammograms in Singapore.
5. Why is breast screening offered?
  • Most experts agree that the early identification of breast cancer is helpful through regular breast screening. The sooner the condition is found, the more likely it will be.
  • If breast cancer has been detected early, you are also less likely to have your breast removed (mastectomy) or chemotherapy.
  • The primary danger is that breast screening can detect tumors that haven’t caused any symptoms or haven’t progressed to the point of becoming life-threatening. You may end up with unnecessary additional testing and treatment.
6. What happens during breast screening?
  • Breast screening entails having an X-ray (mammogram) performed at a specialized clinic or mobile breast screening unit. A female health practitioner does this task. One by one, your breasts will undergo an X-ray.
  • The breast is placed on the X-ray machine and crushed with a transparent plate gently but firmly. The x-ray will be done on each breast twice and at different angles.

7. Final words 

  • You can take an active role in your health care by visiting a 3d mammogram centre. At the center, you will be screened and, if cancer cells are found, advised how to go about that. It is important to go for the breast screening at least once a month, and as you age, you should increase the frequency for you to avoid missing the breast screening pick a day and check in on it every month. 
  • The only way to overcome the ever-increasing breast cancer death is to go for breast screening, and the cost of a mammogram in Singapore is affordable to everyone.

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