Workplace Safety Training
Home Law 4 Essential Workplace Safety Training Topics

4 Essential Workplace Safety Training Topics

by Eric

From lawsuits to low retention rates, workplace safety training is essential for reducing not just the financial and legal risks of injury in the workplace but also for employee morale. Plus it also fosters a productive work environment. While there are many topics related to workplace safety that could be covered in a training program, here are some of the most important.

Hazard Recognition

What is a hazard? It’s any situation that could potentially cause physical harm to an employee or property. Thus, employee safety training should cover how to recognize hazards in the workplace.

Now, because every workplace is different, said training should focus on recognizing hazards specific to a particular environment. For example, in a corporate environment, employees should be taught how to identify potential electrical hazards, like frayed cords or overloaded plugs. On the other hand, a restaurant should focus more on things like slip-and-fall hazards.

Safety Response Training

Next, from ladder safety rules to proper lifting techniques, safety response training should cover the behavior necessary to avoid the hazards covered in the first part. This is where employees will learn how to respond safely and responsibly when they recognize a potential hazard.

Take the corporate setting example again. Once employees discover a frayed cord, for instance, their safety response training should teach them to turn off the power and then contact a qualified professional to safely repair or replace the damaged item.

Harassment and Discrimination Training

No workplace is immune to inappropriate behavior, so it’s important to include harassment and discrimination training in any safety program. This type of training should educate employees on the different types of harassment and how to handle situations when they arise.

For example, training should cover how to respond if someone is making sexually inappropriate comments or advancing unwanted physical contact. Additionally, the training should also discuss fair hiring practices and the importance of avoiding any forms of discrimination in the workplace.

It should then emphasize the company’s zero-tolerance policy for such behavior and provide information on the channels available to report any incidents.

Online Safety

It’s a digital world and employees’ use of the internet can also be a potential hazard. Just like any other workplace safety issue, businesses must train employees on how to safely use the internet.

This type of training should include topics such as avoiding malicious software and recognizing phishing scams. The goal here is to educate employees on how to safely navigate the internet for work-related activities. It also helps protect against any potential legal liabilities should a breach occur.

Ultimately, workplace safety training is essential in protecting both employees and employers. And while many topics can be covered, these four areas should always be included: hazard recognition, safety response training, harassment and discrimination training, and online safety. By following these guidelines, businesses can reduce their risk of legal liability or injury. And best of all it helps create a healthy and productive work environment for everyone.

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