Why Should You Have Routine IT Audits?
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Why Should You Have Routine IT Audits?

by Eric

The IT audit services involve the collection, analysis, and provision of information to the company’s management about the current state of IT, information technology, and information security risks inherent in the company’s business processes, as well as the development of recommendations to mitigate these risks and optimize IT processes.

Why IT Auditing is Important?

Performance, compliance with applicable laws, regulations, and policies, and financial statement audits are the three main categories of IT auditing. The main goal of audits is to identify any inaccuracies and inefficiencies in a company’s administration and use of its IT system.

This system first identifies the hazards in an entity and then evaluates them with the aid of sophisticated design controls, enabling the businesses to come up with a suitable response to the threats. Therefore, IT auditing is essential for organisations and businesses trying to safeguard their IT infrastructure and sensitive data.

Often, projects for the development of information systems, which are prepared by IT specialists, seem too costly to budget owners. And this is understandable: business simply does not understand where investments are being directed and what benefits they will bring to the company in the foreseeable future.

Importance of auditing:

When a company is developing rapidly and information systems are forced to keep pace with this growth, automation is carried out locally to solve the selected tasks. As a result, we have a “zoo” of information systems with complex interconnections in the absence of a holistic picture. The IT infrastructure is constantly changing, and the documentation is either completely absent, or remains unchanged, or is seriously delayed in updating. One day the moment inevitably comes when the available documentation does not correspond to reality, and only key IT specialists have key information about the current state of IT, which clearly does not contribute to development – neither technology nor business. In fact, no one, not even the IT department, knows for sure how the existing set of information systems and processes corresponds to business goals and contributes to the development of the company, as well as how effectively IT copes with current business tasks. Read more about HOW TO PASS THE CCNP SERVICE PROVIDER EXAMS PROPERLY?

Information technology audit in many ways allows you to correct the current situation and identify the components of the organization’s IT infrastructure that require modernization. IT audit is the starting point for the further development of the entire IT function of an organization. As a result of an IT audit, the company receives an assessment of the current state of IT, recommendations and suggestions for optimizing the IT infrastructure and reducing the level of identified risks, as well as recommendations for the development of the IT function.

Goals of conducting an IT audit:

For business owners, an IT audit serves as a tool to check the effectiveness of managers. The main objectives of the audit of information technology are usually:

  •         Analysis of compliance of the current level of IT development with the strategic goals of the company;
  •         Assessment of the effectiveness of the use of resources allocated to the development of IT;
  •         Assessment of IT infrastructure, technological integration, and IT processes of the company;
  •         Identification of problem areas in IT and ways of their possible optimization.

The following areas can be further analyzed:

  •         IT infrastructure security;
  •         Business continuity;
  •         Information systems implementation
  •         Data processing, billing;
  •         IT services provided to business users;
  •         Hardware and software license management;
  •         IT budgeting audit;
  •         Hardware inventory.

In addition to the main results, there are deferred benefits that will emerge later if the organization follows the recommendations received. According to experience, conducting a specialized IT audit and the subsequent development of an IT development strategy in accordance with the company’s development strategy, allows you to achieve significant results.

Benefits of auditing:

IT development company Diceus helps clients with:

  •         IT support of business development in accordance with the planned growth indicators;
  •         Ensuring the development of the IT function that meets the development strategy and the requirements of the company’s owners;
  •         Centralization and increasing the manageability of the company’s information systems;
  •         Optimization of IT-dependent business processes;
  •         Ensuring the performance and scalability of information systems with the growth of business volumes.

In terms of results in the field of information technology:

  •         Improving the predictability of the organization’s IT costs;
  •         Increasing the efficiency of employees, eliminating duplicate operations;
  •         Creation of an optimal organizational structure in accordance with the best IT practices;
  •         Regular monitoring, analysis, and control of IT risks and associated operational risks in the company’s business processes;
  •         Standardization in the field of software and technology used;
  •         Documentation of the IT infrastructure;
  •         Regulation of interaction between business units and IT services, compliance with the required SLA.

Summarizing all of the above, we can say that an IT audit, performed even once, can save a company from the occurrence of reputational risks associated with incorrect operation of IT systems or leakage of customer data, some types of fraud, and incorrect operation of information systems in general.

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