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Home Health Moving for batter health: Best locations in United states

Moving for batter health: Best locations in United states

by Eric

When it comes to picking the best location to live, people have their own preferences like some consider living standard as their priority while for others their health is their priority, therefore, they look for places where they can stay healthy. Though nothing could stop you from living your best and the most active life there is also a chance to improve. If you consider hiring one of the best movers to help you move for managing any health condition or an injury or to assist you in achieving your health then here you will get to know about some of the best locations to move to.

What best movers vote for?

As per the best-rated interstate moving companies in the United States, these are some of the top considerations for your type of move choice.

  • Boulder, Colorado: Community health in Boulder, Colorado is ranked at number 4 in terms of best health facilities in the northwest region of Colorado. Boulder County Health is dedicated to providing the best health services to its citizens and also works for the protection of the environment. This city is termed as one of the best cities in America that provides qualitative life to the residents. The population of Boulder is about 322,510 with the median age around 37 years. Boulder is popular for its cycling culture.
  • Los Alamos Country, New Mexico: The place has topped the chart of healthiest communities’ rankings in the entire world. The scenic beauty of the area makes the residents happy and healthy. The score increases with the fresh air and fresh water and one of the best things about the place is that housing is more affordable here. Also, here the most educated people live therefore the healthier are their outcomes. Also, the health services at the location are very great.
  • Portland, Maine: Portland, Maine is listed as one of the top ten cities that provide the best quality of life to the citizens. This city is every day working to improve the condition of its local health facilities and each clinic. Also, Minority Health Program here works to provide the necessary education on healthy homes, nutrition, vaccination, and environmental health to the residents. You can find around 532,075 people here with an average age of the people around 44 years.  Read more about How to lose chest fat? A detailed guide
  • Austin, Texas: People in Austin, Texas are full of energy and enthusiasm and love to spend their time outdoors. This city is ranked at the first position in terms of quality of life. The total population here is around 2,114,441 with an average age of around 35 years. Austin offers extensive health services to the people. Health education programs are also organized that reinforce the regulations to protect the citizens from any injury and disease. One can find reputable hospitals here that provide affordable treatments to the residents.
  • Sarasota, Florida: Sarasota in Florida believes in providing healthcare to people suffering from depression, anxiety, or any other mental illness. Behavioural Health Policy Coordination aims to monitor and regulate the community-based programs that further address the mental health of the people in Sarasota. This metro area holds a population of around 8, 00,000 with a median age of people around 50 years. And this city is placed in the 15th position to live in based on the quality of life.
  • Colorado Springs, Colorado: The rating provided to the city in terms of quality of life is 6.7. With a metro population of around 723,498, the average age of residents is around 35 years. Colorado Springs is home to several Olympic and Paralympic Training centers and people here take pride in exercising at high altitudes. The health care laws of this city are determined to provide needed health insurance to all citizens. Now the adults who don’t have any children can apply for affordable or low-cost coverage plans via health First Colorado.
  • Custer County, South Dakota: The population health score here is 86 and with the small population of just 8,216, this is one of the best places to move especially after the coronavirus pandemic. Though the place comes under rural community the life expectancy rate here is 80 so considering moving for better health is a good option.
  • Naples, Florida: Naples in Florida has been ranked 2th in the report of United Health foundation of United States Health Rankings. This city experiences a high immunization rate for the kids and low cancer death rates due to its great healthcare facilities. The metro population here is about 371,453 and the average age of the citizens is around 51 years. Also, Naples is positioned in 3rd place in terms of quality of life.

Wrapping it all up:

Not all the above-mentioned places are perfect in all the aspects like affordable housing rate, low criminal record, and best education system or so on but for a better health and health system, the above places are great to move and live in. Also, considering the corona pandemic, according to statistics, no location is completely safe and health rates have decreased at a higher rate.

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