Home Cryptocurrency LetsExchange- Features, Benefits & Usage

LetsExchange- Features, Benefits & Usage

by Eric

LetsExchange is a multi-currency exchange that offers you hassle-free operations, free registration, limitless trading, and automated transactions. It saves the traders time and provides them a great benefit on every transaction. The exchange provides a user-friendly interface to the traders. This platform only allows the exchange of cryptocurrencies and does not support fiat currencies.

Whether you are a new or an experienced trader, this platform is suitable for both. The exchange was founded in 2020, and their headquarter is in Seychelles. This was launched by experienced professionals with more than 10 years of experience in the cryptocurrency world.

On this platform, you’ll be getting a straightforward user interface, and not only this, but the beginners will get the educational materials too. It is used to do the fast crypto to crypto exchanges, and as the exchange is non-custodial, you’ll not need to register on the website. Read more about Litecoin vs Ethereum: Comparison of Litecoin and Ethereum.

How to use it?

Here are the details about how letsExchange works:

  • First of all, you need to select the currency pair and enter the amount you need to send. On this platform, you’ll get 100 coins.
  • Make sure to add the receiving address for the coin and a destination tag if required.
  • After this, please enter the promo code, and the bonus will be added to it accordingly.
  • The next step is to choose the rate, including floating and fixed rates. Click on lets exchange after selecting the rate.
  • Make sure to re-check all the details and if all the details are mentioned, then click on the accept button.
  • Send the exchange amount to the deposit address and wait for the procedure to complete.
  • Switch on your notifications so that you’ll get the email after the process is completed.

How to make an account?

To get started with the LetsExchange, here are the few steps you need to follow:

  • Visit the official website of Letsexchange and press the trading box option.
  • This exchange has two sections, including you send and you get. Make the coin selection for the exchange.
  • After the user selects currencies and the amount to invest, the get box will be filled automatically. In this way, you’ll get to know how much you’ll get in return after investing in the specified coins.
  • Ensure to provide your correct wallet address, and if you’ve any promo code, don’t forget to add to get the additional benefits.
  • The transaction might take some time and after making the payment, click on notify me option by providing your email address. In this way, the LetsExchange will share the message right after the transaction.

For further details and guidelines, you can visit https://alligat0r.com/exchanges/letsexchange.

Benefit of LetsExchange

Here are the key benefits of this platform:

  • The platform allows you to exchange the cryptocurrency amount without any registration, nor does it require you to go through any KYC procedure.
  • This is a non-custodial service, which means the platform will not store your data or funds. However, the data saved is encrypted, and the coins are quite validated. Their website is protected by DDoS and has SSL certification too.
  • It provides you with fast, secure, trouble-free, and anonymous swaps worldwide.
  • The exchange allows fully automated transactions and is based on the SmartRate technology.
  • You can buy more than 200 coins on this platform and offer you the best deals at the best rate for the swap. To check the rates or estimate, you can go to aggregator-Alligator.
  • The exchange believes in clarity in their operations at each step. That’s why after the swap gets completed, you’ll get the receipt with transaction details.


  • Easy to use
  • More than 200 coins option
  • Speedy transactions
  • Safe and secure
  • Based on SmartRate technology


  • No crypto wallets
  • Only allows crypto exchanges

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