How to protect your house siding from water damages?
Home Home Improvement How to protect your house siding from water damages?

How to protect your house siding from water damages?

by Eric

The main purpose of siding installation in North Arlington NJ is to offer protection to your house. If the vinyl siding is professionally installed, it will adjust the inside temperature of your house with the changing seasons throughout the year.

Siding also keeps away the mold infestation and helps protect the structural strength of your house. At the same time, modern siding designs keep the pests at bay and offer efficient weather shielding protection.

So even when siding is installed to offers your home the necessary protection, it can suffer serious damages by none other than “water” itself.

During the rain or the snow season, the water or ice can seep into the house’s walls and roofs causing irreparable damages. Sidings are installed towards the side of the house, homeowners do not realize how much damage is done until the need for extensive repairs arises.

The good news is that there are certain protection measures you can take as a homeowner to protect your siding from water damages. Stay tuned till the end to find out.

1. Trim the branches and overgrown plantation

It is true that well-structured plants, flowers, and trees around the house can add to the aesthetic appeal. In fact, by hiring the right landscape designer and expert, you can increase the worth of your property offering a relaxing appeal to the buyer.

However, there is one major drawback with the plantation, that is plants can accumulate a large quantity of water that is released into the air through transpiration as water vapors. If you have bushy trees and plants in close vicinity to your home, the water can seep into the siding and find its way inside through any cracks.

To avoid any such damage by the plants, it is imperative that you trim the overgrown trees so that branches remain at a distance from your house.

2. Do the necessary adjustments to your sprinklers

The sprinkler heads are time-efficient and keep the job hassle-free. Sprinklers efficiently distribute water to the entire lawn without the use of the traditional hose.

However, the sprinklers do the job according to how they are installed. If the sprinkler head is pointing in the wrong direction, you will find water flooded in your driveway, garage, side pathway, or even around the main house.

In case, you use sprinklers every morning, then water can easily seep into your siding causing damages to the roofs, walls, floors, etc.

So, even if you have plants and flowers where your sprinklers cannot reach, water them using a hose that is controlled by hand or you could invest in a drip system.

3. Clean the gutters around the house

In addition to your siding offering the necessary protection to your home from the external elements, the gutters also play an equally crucial role. The gutters accumulate the rainwater and make sure the water remains away from the siding of your house.

If you stay oblivious to the condition of your gutters, it is highly likely that the water can seep inside your sidings causing the damages that you were trying to avert in the first place. The leaves, twigs, branches, etc can easily trap inside the gutter causing them to overflow. The water can find its way towards the siding.

You should clean your gutter twice annually at least especially during the spring and the autumn seasons. However, if your house is surrounded by large-sized trees and branches, then you may need to increase the frequency of your gutter cleaning tasks.

4. Smartly remove the ice during the winter seasons

During the winter season, you may scrape away the snow on your own, collecting the piles in your garage simply to prevent any slipping accidents as someone walks by.

However, if these piles are left in the house for too long, the melting snow water can find its way into your house sidings ultimately weakening its foundation.

You do not need to continuously get rid of the snow from your property, but during the winter season, you may have to do a little extra hard work.

Take a shovel, and in gentle slow movements remove the snow and ice, but do not do scraping! It can result in serious damages.

5. Make sure your attic is insulated

If you are looking for even more sources of protecting your home, you may just focus on finding these sources on the exterior of your home.

However, the insulation of your attic can play a crucial role in protecting from water damages, because the melting snow in the winter season can result in serious roof damages.

If your attic is properly insulated, it will help maintain the temperature inside the house, allowing you to retain the warm air inside the house.

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