Social Networks
Home Tech Gigi Catalin Neculai – Social Networks: Impact On Business

Gigi Catalin Neculai – Social Networks: Impact On Business

by REX

Social media have spread with the development of new technologies as Gigi Catalin Neculai suggested. They have over a billion users to date and were primarily targeting the general public. They then reached out to the brands and companies that today use it as powerful communication levers. In particular, they allow them to disseminate information, promote their offers or answer questions from their customers.

Digital transformation has far-reaching implications for businesses and the world of work, as well as for society as a whole. This digital revolution is so important that specialists compare it to the birth of printing more than five centuries ago. In this new era, digital channels are multiplying and their uses are increasing. Social networks have become essential communication tools. Organizations today must take advantage of digital opportunities to develop their notoriety, their turnover, adapt their corporate culture, and retain their employees. Increased brand visibility, news sharing, customer and employee loyalty, recruitment … Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn …

This article aims to provide vocational, but also general and technological high school teachers with information on the different uses of these new media. This watch will allow them to obtain information in order to prepare their pupils for digital technology for integration into a largely digitalized society with new communication standards and increasingly vast means of access to information. Read more about How to Become a Professional Freelance Writer.

The Concept of Social Networks explained by Gigi Catalin Neculai

Social networks allow the creation of a page (or a profile) for a person, a brand, an entity, or a group. This is then used to convey content in the form of images, videos, texts, animations, etc. For example, many personalities from the world of games such as fashion regularly publish their daily life on their social networks to share them with their fans.

The best known to date are Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Snapchat, LinkedIn, Tiktok, etc. Sharing is the central element around which the social network is articulated. However, its scope varies from one platform to another. If Video is a strictly professional network, Facebook and Twitter combine it with the staff.

Billions of people connect every day to discover new content. Many also use them to get in touch with brands and companies. For the latter, social networks require a relatively low investment compared to the return on investment it brings and some practical advice can be interesting to discover before starting.

According to Gigi Catalin Neculai, many developments have been made on these different platforms and several of them directly concern professionals. Appointment scheduling, online store, or recruitment solutions… So many features that make these communication channels ever more relevant for companies.

Communication and Marketing Channel

Social networks are essential channels for promoting a professional communication strategy. They are used to develop a brand image, share values, ​​and create a community around the company. These platforms allow you to inform, seduce and even diversify your audience.

Social networks act as a real showcase and are combined with a website for a successful digital strategy. The publications can directly refer to the company site or propose a connection with an employee of the entity.

Social Networks

This channel also tends to make society more human and to create more proximity with customers. Indeed, they can directly leave their opinions on an offer or enter into communication with the company via instant messaging. It should be noted that customer feedback and online reputation provide the transparency that your prospects will appreciate.

Each social network has its own codes, says Gigi Catalin Neculai. Thus, the speech to be held will not be the same from one to the other. Facebook is, for example, the sharing network par excellence. Product launch, candidate search, photo sharing are all possible on this platform. 

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