Everything You Must Know About Building a Granny Flat
Home Home Improvement Everything You Must Know About Building a Granny Flat

Everything You Must Know About Building a Granny Flat

by Eric

If your house has always been a congested space during a guest’s night stay, building an additional live-in space is a factor to consider. Also, if you have elderly parents at home struggling in a cram-full flat, the best thing to do is build a granny flat! These flats are additional live-in buildings that can go within your residential building or as a separate flat inside your premises. Since granny flats are different from conventional buildings, getting the job done by experts is mindful. Visiting a granny flat display home can guide you to choose the best builder.

Benefits of having a granny flat

Surprisingly, today’s architectural advancements have made granny flats go easy and you can have them without an extra space in your backyard! Yes! You can even convert your trivially used garage or basement to get a granny flat built hassle-free. Here are some reasons why you must have one,

1. It’s a mini guest house

Your family can grow in no time! You might have kids soon after marriage, and it might be hard to take care of your parents, who are getting old. In such cases, most people switch to retirement villages. But ultimately, they compromise on some quality family time. Building a granny flat will ensure you have enough time and space for your growing family. Also, kiths and kins staying in can become uncomfortable with the scarcity of space. But when you have a granny flat in your basement, you please your guests and comfort them!

2. What about some additional income?

When you have a granny flat separated from your main building, you can even rent it occasionally. Students on a study tour or tourists can be perfect tenants if you rent your granny flat during seasons. On the flip side, you can also rent it on a year contract basis to source some additional income!

3. Work from home made easy

At the moment, Australia confirms more than 40,000 Covid-19 cases. And work from home has become the new normal. In such times, you can use our granny flat as a backyard office to have some professional space. Eventually, you can stay out of background noises when on a client call, have your files organised and concentrate on being productive!

Why should you visit a display home?

A granny flat can serve multiple purposes when customised the right way. Since it might involve the conversion of spaces, you need the right professionals to get it done. Ever had a bad experience with a builder even after being fascinated by their project pictures? Then try visiting display homes instead! Here is why you must,

  • A granny flat display home lets you estimate the builder’s expertise. By visiting display homes, you can quickly identify the styles they offer.
  • Not just that, by simply checking window panels or flooring tile, you can identify minute mistakes, if any. For instance, a gapped window slit can tell you so much about the builder.
  • Sometimes you might even want the same style of the display house you just visited. Eventually, the entire process becomes simplified.
  • If you fail to communicate your ideas to the builder, visiting a display home can help. You will get an insight into how to express your needs.
  • Also, when you take your entire family on a visit, everyone gets a say and you end up having innovative ideas your family loves.
  • Lastly, when you visit a display home, you understand how the builder can make the best use of space. For instance, if you have a limited flat area, a builder who can make it look spacious is the best to hire!

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