Home Cleaning Checklist
Home Home Improvement 3 Things To Include In Your Home Cleaning Checklist

3 Things To Include In Your Home Cleaning Checklist

by Eric

Efficient home cleaning requires more than just time and tools. To avoid wasting your time and resources, it’s ideal to start by creating a schedule, a systematic order, and a checklist. Once you’ve organized all these, it’s time to get your hands dirty. But first things first, if you’re expecting a considerable amount of waste materials after your cleanup, make sure to organize a proper collection service for when you’re finished, especially if you’re dealing with potentially hazardous waste materials. For example, electronic devices and accessories, batteries, and appliances that contain parts that may leak harmful chemicals. If you’re getting rid of such items, hiring professional waste removal services is more ideal. Check it out here if you feel you may need such services. Read more about house cleaning Waukesha, WI for the best home cleaning service.

A home cleaning might seem like a walk in the park for others, but for most homeowners, it’s far from that. If you can’t seem to get past your cleanup checklist or you’re having a hard time organizing it, here are three things you might want to consider including in your home cleaning checklist:

  1. Cleaning Tools

Home Cleaning Checklist

Before doing a home cleaning, start with a list of all the things you need. If you’ve run out of supplies or require new tools and cleaning materials, make sure to complete them all before you start. Deep cleaning doesn’t always require expensive specialty products. There’s a lot of excellent and inexpensive cleaning materials for home cleanups. Here’s a checklist you can use to stock up your cleaning cabinets:


  • Cleaning cloths: Dish towels, rags, paper towels, microfiber cloths
  • Cleaning containers: Spray bottle, plastic bucket
  • Cleaning solutions: Glass cleaner, white vinegar, baking soda, all-purpose or homemade cleaner, dish soap
  • Cleaning tools: Vacuum, scrub brush, detail brush or old toothbrush, sponge, mop or steamer, broom, rubber gloves
  1. Area Checklist

Home cleanings can sometimes be overwhelming to do, especially if you want to finish cleaning everything in one go. You might end up forgetting other important areas, which also happens if you focus too much on just a few areas. To avoid this, you can create a checklist for each area you need to work on. Here are some examples:


  • Organize the refrigerator and pantry.
  • Throw away any spoilt or expired food items.
  • Clean up all kitchen appliances.
  • Rinse the bottom of the sink and run the disposal.
  • Wipe clean and disinfect all food prep surfaces, including the dining area.
  • Fold and hang kitchen towels.
  • Mop the floor.
  • Empty garbage cans.

Living Room and Bedroom

  • Tidy up the living area.
  • Arrange pillows and cushions.
  • Sort through the clutter, mail, and paperwork.
  • Gather scattered items and return them to their correct spots.
  • Clean out the entryway, including the mudroom, if you have one.
  • Empty all trash cans.


  • Rinse the sink, toilet, and bathtub.
  • Scrub the floor, walls, and other surfaces.
  • Remove stains from the bathroom mirror.
  • Arrange toiletries and other bathroom supplies.
  • Fold and hang bath towels.

Other Parts

  • Sweep or vacuum the floors in the house. Mop them afterward.
  • Organize other small items such as phones, remote controls, and magazines to avoid clutter.
  • Clean out the carport, the front patio, and the yard.
  • Litter boxes and pet areas should be kept clean and sanitized.
  • Disinfect any gym equipment and wipe it dry.
  1. Small Details

Wipe out all of the hard surfaces in your home, including worktops, appliances, and cupboards. Touchpoints like doorknobs and light switches should be regularly disinfected to reduce the transmission of germs. There are a lot of DIY home disinfectants that you can try. One of the easiest is creating a nontoxic disinfectant by combining a cup of water with a quarter to a half cup of apple cider or white vinegar. Read more about Best Tips To Keep Your Home Clean.

Key Takeaway

Keeping your house clean as much as possible is not only ideal for aesthetic purposes. It will also help reduce the spread of disease-causing microorganisms significantly. But remember that to ensure proper cleanup, it’s important to pay attention to the small details too. It’s all in the little details when it comes to deep cleaning your home. When you make an effort to tidy up the areas of your living space that are a bit harder to reach, you’ll notice how much more orderly and welcoming your home feels.

Feel free to tweak and customize this cleanup checklist according to the rooms and details you have at home. Once you’ve ticked off everything in your checklist, you won’t have to worry anymore about forgetting important areas and details.

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