Why is Education Important for Women
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Why Education is Important for Women?

by REX

Education is our fundamental right, whether it is women’s, children’s, man’s, rich or poor Education is our right. Education is a means to know the outside world, to understand it. In this changing race, studies are the only way to go step by step, and all of us need to complete our studies. But in society, women are not given the right to study thoroughly; they believe that women are only there to work, take care of the house, and do what they will do after studying.

Because of this thinking, many women and girls cannot complete their studies or sometimes cannot read. In India, there are many such places where women do not even come out of the house to study; they do not have permission to take them out. Believe that India is progressing a lot today, but our thinking is still the same, women are there to take care of the house; we only understand and accept this.

We all know that if a man studies, he is only educated, but if a woman studies, then her whole house studies, but even today, this thing is not understood in many places. There is a lot of reason for this, today, we will discuss those reasons, and we will also know what the plans are for the Education of women that our government has made.

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Why Are Women Not Able to Study in India?

There are many reasons for this, such as getting married early; in our country, women get married before or after they are 18 years old, then comes pregnancy, lack of funding, violence in school, child or domestic labor, then come to those girls who want to study. Still, school is very far from their home, These are only a few reasons, but there are many reasons for this Dangerous Journey, Eve Teasing.

Why is it Important for Women to Read?

Without women, this society can not run, Women are an essential part of our society, and they have full right to study. Women can do everything today as there is a lot of need for female teachers in a school because there is an atmosphere of affection with the students and students remain comfortable; Doctor, why is a female doctor so important? Only a woman understands this. Maybe, because no one else can understand the plight of women except the woman, she can also do a lot in business because they have the experience to manage their house for the whole month, then they can run a business comfortably.

Policies for Women Study in India:

First of all, the admission management software of every school should ensure that the girls who are coming to take admission are their parents able to read them. If not, then the school LMS needs to make some big rules so that all the studies Get the right.

On the other hand, our government has made many such policies for the benefit of women. Few policies include Beti Bachao Beti Padhao, Support to Training and Employment Program for Women (STEP), Rajiv Gandhi Scheme for Empowerment of Adolescent Girls (RGSEAG) – ‘SABLA,’ Rashtriya Mahila Kosh – (National Credit Fund for Women), Indira Gandhi Matritva Sahyog Yojana (IGMSY) – Conditional Maternity Benefit (CMB) Scheme, SWADHAR (A Scheme for Women in Difficult Circumstances).

To Conclude:

Last year in 2022, India’s literacy rate increased by 74.04%, which is a big deal, but this figure is also significantly less, we have to improve it every year, and women have to get their rights. If you want, you can also take advantage of government policies, which will give you a lot of discounts.

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