What Are The Features Of A Web Portal
Home Tech What Are The Features Of A Web Portal?

What Are The Features Of A Web Portal?

by Eric

At its core, a portal is a Web site designed for a specific audience. For example, customers and company employees. It analyzes, processes and delivers information. It provides access to various services based on the personalization of users. It uses any device connected to the Internet/

Portals can be classified according to various criteria. But most often they resort to classification by purpose. Currently, on this basis, there are three main types of portals:

Public or horizontal portals. Sometimes they are called megaportals. These portals are aimed at the widest possible audience. This is reflected in the content of the information and services they provide. They are usually general in nature. For example, news on political events and cultural life, e-mail, newsletters, etc.. The sphere of activity of such portals overlaps with the sphere of activity of the media. Therefore, recently there have been processes of merging of publicly accessible portals and the media within one company.

Vertical portals are designed for specific types of market. They serve the audience using the services of this market or working in it. Examples of such portals are B2C (Business-to-consumer) applications, such as travel agencies that provide services for hotel reservations. It’s ordering and delivery of tickets, access to maps and information on road routes, etc., or B2B portals. They allow their customers to implement joint business transactions. They help to select suppliers and purchase goods, conduct auctions, etc. The number of such portals has grown rapidly lately. As more and more new markets for goods and services move to the Internet.

Enterprise portals are intended for employees, customers, and partners of the same enterprise. Sometimes they are called B2E portals. Users of such a portal get access to the services and applications intended for them. It depends on their role and personal profile. And this is the most interesting category of portals in terms of implementing corporate infrastructure and application integration. The purpose of the corporate portal is to provide external and internal users with the possibility of personalized access to all corporate data and applications. It includes unstructured and heterogeneous data. It’s unification of isolated business models. It’s integration of various corporate applications. It includes applications of business partners. It provides full round-the-clock access for all users. It includes mobile users to the company’s resources 24 hours a day, regardless of their location.

The volumes of information presented within the web portal development services are colossal.

It should be noted that there is an active process of integrating internal information systems of enterprises with applications. This fact ensures interaction with customers and partners. As well as with Web applications intended for visitors to Web sites. And the number of related Internet projects is growing rapidly. In other words, many modern foreign companies are now actively creating an infrastructure. This allows using the Internet not only as a means of communication, but also as one of the main tools for doing business. Creating such an infrastructure means implementing Internet applications. They allow a company to provide its customers and employees with up-to-date information. And often there is direct access to corporate information systems and other business applications. As well as timely process information received from them. For example, these are orders or offers. For this purpose, portal technologies are often used. They allow the integration of existing applications within a single way of accessing them. Currently, there is a rapid growth in the market for these technologies and products that implement them. This fact is important.

A website is a collection of documents of an individual or organization, united in a computer network under one address.

There are also resources for communication such as web forums, blogs, chat rooms. A forum is a resource for communication between website visitors. Unlike chat, the forum has a separation of topics and the ability to communicate in non-real time. So the forum allows for more serious discussions. Forums are perfect basics for consultations, and they are actively used by technical support services. Blogs are not inferior in popularity to the forum. A blog is a user’s personal site, it consists of regularly updated entries and images.

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