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Home Entertainment The Conservative People’s Guide to Online Dating

The Conservative People’s Guide to Online Dating

by Eric

Looking for your true love might be a pretty frustrating endeavor for a person with firm convictions and beliefs, such as yourself. First, there is this general belief that true gentlemen and ladies don’t exist; when people meet you, they treat you like a rare unicorn or question your intentions. Secondly, before you find your other half, you will come across numerous people looking for a one-night stand only. Seeing such an attitude from potential partners, you could be discouraged from further pursuit of love. Don’t give up yet because you still might find your soulmate. Nowadays, everything seems to be moving into cyberspace, be it online divorce services or dating apps. The latter might come in handy for you. You probably are apprehensive about this idea since apps such as Tinder are usually associated with casual relationships. But if you know where to look and how to behave, you’ll be guaranteed success. Just make sure to take your time so you can learn more about your date. Below, you’ll find some advice for conservative people on getting a grip on online dating. Read on!

Find the App That Will Meet Your Needs

There are plenty of dating apps out there, and you might be overwhelmed by the selection. For many singles, Tinder is the initial choice, but in your case, it might not be the best idea as the app is popular in hookup culture. Instead, you might look for sites that cater to your preferences.

Are you searching for someone with like-minded political views? Or maybe you want to date a person from a similar socioeconomic status or race? You could also search for a person of a particular age. In addition to traditional dating apps, such as Tinder and Bumble, there are conservative dating apps available such as eHarmony or Christian Mingle. So, instead of randomly trying different apps, evaluate beforehand what you want to find in a partner.

Set Your Goals and Write Your Profile

The second thing to do is to set your goals. If you already have a specific partner in mind and want to find them through an app, tell the world about your desired qualities in a partner. What kind of person are you looking for? Are they interested in sports, family life, or something else? Avoid being too detailed because a long list of requirements will put off the people scrolling through your profile; focus on your priorities. Additionally, consider what you can offer as a partner and how you will make them happy.

After you have set your goals and written down your preferences and expectations, it is time to create a profile on the dating app of your choice. Some apps require additional information, such as your profession, height, and weight; others only ask for basic details, such as your name, age, and appearance. Fill out everything honestly so potential dates won’t be turned off by lies. In addition, when writing your profile, make sure you proofread it several times. Our last piece of advice: be yourself! Don’t try to force something that doesn’t work for you.

Choose a Flattering but Honest Profile Picture

A picture is a crucial part of your profile. It is the first thing people will see, and it can make or break your chances of getting a date. To be successful, choose a flattering picture of yourself – you know what looks good on you, so you should use it in your favor. For example, if you have a great smile, show it in your profile picture. It is also a good idea to add a few more pictures to your profile in case someone wants to know more about you.

You might have heard that profile pictures mirror our personality, and people subconsciously gain an impression from what they see. For instance, conscientious people post more natural, colorful, and bright pictures, whereas extroverts use photos where they are surrounded by others. Before choosing a profile picture, look up what it may say about you.

Take Your Time Learning About Potential Partner

While it is tempting to start flirting and arranging a date right away, you should slow down and learn more about your potential partner. Remember that online dating is not a sprint, but a marathon, especially if you’re a conservative person looking for a life partner. If you get a match, send them a message and learn about their interests or hobbies. This will help you determine whether you are interested in this person. While on the subject, don’t be pushy or overeager – show that you are a patient person and know how to wait for the other person to respond.

If they seem interested in you as well, then slowly move toward arranging a date. Try to meet in a public place at first to get better acquainted. With time, you’ll know if your dates are worth it or not. So, with your profile ready and a plan of action, you can embark on your search for your true love!


The best advice we can give you is to take your time while looking for a spouse. It is a marathon, not a sprint, and there is no need to rush things. The fact that you are conservative shouldn’t be a reason to distrust online dating. It is just a matter of choosing the right app for your needs and being honest about yourself and your expectations. If you have doubts about something, ask someone for advice or read articles on the subject. With a little bit of effort, you’ll definitely find the perfect mate!

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