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How to score above 90 in class 10 board maths?

by Eric

From competitive exams to class 10 board exams, One of the most essential disciplines is mathematics. It plays an important role. This topic takes a great deal of experience. Mathematics is a topic that helps in the development of students’ rational thinking and logical attitude. The following are some strategies to help you to enhance your math score in the class 10 board.

Throughout the Exam:

Neat and Clean Paper with Appropriate Margin: Keep in mind that the examiner has to grasp every step of how you arrived at an answer, and he does not have a lot of time to devote to a single issue. To perform the rough work, keep your page free of cutting and overwriting, and create clear margins.

Figures and graphs: With a little focus, figures and graphs may get you easy points. Keep a ruler with a sharp and smooth side and a well-sharpened pencil on hand for this. These are the easiest elements of the exam to complete if you have prepared properly, and you should try to do so as soon as you get your paper.

Solve the simple questions: Before you begin answering the questions, read the question paper completely. While it’s normal to get stuck on questions you don’t understand, keep in mind that you have to complete the exam within a certain amount of time. To get a perfect score in arithmetic, you must plan to complete the problems you know first, then move on to the ones you don’t know. Read more about what are the factors of 6? Prime Factorization of 6

Throughout Exam Preparation:

Examine the following subjects from the first half of March that are unclear or unexplored:

Though students should have completed their curriculum by now, if any chapters or subjects remain, they might be studied during the first fifteen days of March. They should review the updated CBSE Class 10 Maths Syllabus 2020-2021 to learn about the subjects that will be covered in the 2021 Board Exam. Many subjects have been omitted from the redesigned curriculum. As a result, students should be aware of the portions of the curriculum that have been removed from the syllabus and will not be assessed on the board exam. Prepare for all of the units included in the syllabus, since they are all crucial in terms of the exam. Solve at least two puzzles relevant to each of the book’s topics. Don’t forget to look at the examples in the Maths NCERT book and to download NCERT Book Class 10th Maths PDF.

In the second half of March, go through the whole course again:

It is important to revise to do well on your exam. It not only helps in the recall of information, definitions, themes, and approaches that you acquired before, but it also performs wonders in increasing your self-assurance. Go through all fifteen chapters of Maths in Class 10. Complete all of the exercises in the NCERT Class 10 Maths Book. Also, give the NCERT Exemplar Problems a shot. When solving any issue, pay close attention to the stages involved in the answer. Solving various sorts of questions will provide you with valuable information into areas where you excel and others where you need to focus more. To acquire high exam grades, it’s advisable to concentrate more on the weakest subjects during the review.

In April, practice more and more:

This is the month to brush up on your skills. In the month leading up to the exam, avoid starting any new topics. The best thing to do is to solve as many previous years’ CBSE Class 10 Maths exam papers as possible. Remember that the information on the board exam paper will seem to be more advanced than what you’ve learned in class. The easiest method to get comfortable with such complex problems is to solve past question papers.

Also, practice with the most recent CBSE Class 10 Maths Sample Paper to get a feel for the pattern and amount of questions on the forthcoming CBSE Class 10 Board Exams 2021. All you have to do in the months leading up to the exam is answer the previous year’s question papers and practice papers to check your readiness and boost your confidence.

Some things to keep in mind throughout the final few months of planning:

Smart Work: Math is all about theorems, ideas, and equations, so having them on hand is usually a good idea. You may study and brush up on them while on the go, and this practice will also come in handy if you have a last-minute review.

Solve Difficulties Yourself: While it is beneficial to go through and comprehend all sorts of problems, it is critical to solve them on your own. Knowing theories and concepts is essential, but learning how to apply them is required if you want to get full marks in arithmetic. You must solve each one independently at least 3-4 times over time.

Understand your Syllabus: Knowing your segments and the weighting assigned to each section will help you decide how much time to devote to each. For example, if you know that a specific section would only include a 5 mark question, you don’t need to spend a week learning those sums.

Practice and Practice: It is a great technique to mentally prepare for what you’ll see on the examinations. The more you solve them, the more confident you will get in your ability to obtain the maximum possible score. It’s also crucial to note that you don’t have to wait until your syllabus is finished to begin working on them.

Organize Your Time: Being a math champion is not simple. Even if you have committed a certain day to another topic, you must set aside some time each day to answer math problems to earn 100/100 in math.


Finally, This article advises all the students to study hard for their Maths exam. They should make the most of these two months by thoroughly preparing their complete curriculum. Students may also use the following useful articles to assist them to succeed in the CBSE Class 10 board Maths Exam.

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