How to Learn English
Home Education How to Learn English: All You Need to Speak Fluently

How to Learn English: All You Need to Speak Fluently

by Eric

How do I learn to speak intermediate English quickly and smoothly? This question is asked every day by billions of students worldwide, for those facing a language barrier has become an unpleasant stage in language learning. Any obstacle can be overcome, and the main thing is to choose the proper means to achieve aims. We’ve put together some of the most straightforward tips to help you boost your English fluency and enhance your communication skills.

Speaking is the most critical skill in learning any foreign language. Some students admit that they quickly master grammar, read in English with pleasure and calmly listen to audio recordings. They get into a state of “I understand everything, but I can’t answer anything” when speaking English. It often happens because of speaking practice and a psychological barrier.

Learn New Words and Phrases

The more phrases you know, the more conversational topics are available to you. The more perfectly you can express your thoughts. Therefore, if you are overwhelmed with speaking practice, do not forget to replenish your vocabulary.

To make your speech friendly and natural while learning a new vocabulary, look in the dictionary, where its synonyms, as well as associated phrasal verbs and idioms, are indicated. You can also try speaking with your friend politely about the weather and other things to practice the phrases.

Many people will answer the same way if you ask modern polyglots how to speak to learn English quickly. You can learn famous phrases and speech constructions.” Expressions such as Let’s discuss briefly… (Let’s talk briefly about …), I am persuaded to believe that … (I want to think that …), I’ve got an impression that, etc. Read more about the $2.9 Million Grant Will Support Literacy Programs for English Language Learners.

Activate Your Vocabulary

Active vocabulary – those words you use in speech or writing, passive – you recognize in someone else’s address or when reading, but you do not use it yourself. Work on making it bigger: learn new words and bring them into your speech. The more extensive vocabulary you have, the more ways you can express yourself, and the simpler it is to express yourself in English.

Do not worry because you can learn the periphery – an indirect, descriptive designation of an object if you are afraid of spelling the wrong word during a conversation. We will give some tips for you to be able to paraphrase.

Work On Your Pronunciation

The chances that you will not be understood are significantly reduced if you mix up sounds or pronounce them indistinctly. Do you want to speak correctly? Make the speech of people who speak clearly and distinctly. You can emulate your English tutor, BBC speaker, best actor, or English-speaking mate if you have one. You’ll pass the fear of being misunderstood, and you will not feel embarrassed by your accent if you learn to pronounce sounds.

Work On Audition

English listening doesn’t have to be dull or intimidating. You can train your listening comprehension by listening to modern podcasts, audio series, and radio shows. Some are adapted for learning, and others contain useful conversational phrases from an actual live speaking of natives.

You can install apps with podcasts, radio broadcasts, and audio dramas on your smartphone even if you have little free time for study. Listen to them on the way to your office, during your lunch break, on the road, and while shopping. We recommend listening to the same audio several times. You can repeat after the announcer as well.

Watch Video Lessons

How do quickly learn to speak the language using video? Watch videos on topics you are interested in, listen to what native speakers say, and repeat after them. So you will not only master conversational phrases, but you can also learn the correct articulation by imitating the characters in the video.

One of the best platforms you probably know is a portal of educational videos from some of the best TED lecturers in the world. You can find them on YouTube to proceed with the learning.

To Wrap It Up

Today you received a guide on how to speak and learn English. We hope you will carefully read our tips and begin applying them in

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