How to do online shopping safe
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How to do online shopping safe?

by Eric

We are facing covid-19 which forced us to social distance. Nowadays online shopping is not only safe but necessary. Online shopping is super easy, all you have to do is click on the buy button and the package is delivered to your door. The problem is these purchases don’t always go as we planned. According to the FBI’s Internet Crime Complaint Center, the online fraud rate is very high. Usually, many individuals fell for sweet deals but either they got nothing or received junk items.

Scammers really making us miserable but with the help of our online shopping safety tips, you can avoid this situation. Let’s start

  1. Bookmark your favorite shopping sites: Typo mistakes in your browser lead you to a fake website. So always bookmark your trusted shopping sites.
  2. Search before you buy from a new shopping website: If you want to purchase from the new website then first search for online reviews of that website. Check the about us and contact us page for address and phone. After that call them to verify.
  3. Careful to sweet deals: There are lots of frauds on social websites like Facebook and Instagram they usually offer sweet deals which are honestly too good to be true. Remember low prices could be a red flag so always compare prices before you purchase.
  4. Public Wi-Fi: Never ever use public wifi when you purchase. Online shopping required your personal data & credit card, when you provide this data on public Wifi basically you are inviting hackers for Identity (ID) theft. If you have no choice other than public wifi then use VPN (a virtual private network). VPN creates an encrypted connection between your computer and the server.
  5. Strong passwords: Always use strong passwords with a combination of charters, numbers, and special charters for shopping accounts. You can also use lower and uppercase charters. Avoid using birthday date, nickname, or any other common personal detail as a password, believe me, hackers can easily guess if you use any common personal detail as a password. Read more about Morclothes reviews
  6. Check site security: Look for a lock icon in the browser bar at the start of the website URL. If the website using a secure connection, then it will be “HTTPS” if not then it will be “HTTP”. Secure websites protect your personal plus credit card data.
  7. Email scams: Never ever fall for hot deals in emails. And never click links on suspicious emails. Also don’t download and open attachments you may infect your PC with viruses and malware.
  8. Pay through credit card: Always pay through credit cards mostly credit cards offer $0 liability for fraud. It means your credit card company will ask questions & investigate the fraudulent activity. You can also use a virtual credit card which is even more secure. It’s a temporary card number that is linked with your credit card. Basically, it’s an extra security layer.
  9. Track your purchased item: Always ask for the tracking number and keep an eye on your package to make sure it is headed your way correctly.

Report scammers: You got scammed? If so, file a complaint to the FBI’s Internet Crime Complaint Center. Also, post an online review about fraud so others can avoid it.

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