Different Types Of Line Sheet Template
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Different Types Of Line Sheet Template

by Eric

Types Of Line Sheet Template

A line sheet is a marketing and sales tool for products. Manufacturers, wholesalers, and brands utilize it to show potential customers and retailer partners simple but crucial information about their products. A line sheet template helps you better present your products. It guides you to arrange and categorize the products elegantly and uniquely. Types Of Line Sheet Template are mentioned in this post.

There are many types and designs of line sheets available. Each of these templates is useful to various lines of business. In this article, I will describe the different line sheet templates available on the website.

Different Types Of Line Sheet Template

  1. Custom:

The custom template is best for quickly creating your design of a line sheet. It allows you to be creative and use your imagination to create the perfect line sheet for your business. You can choose to include many objects, patterns, colors, fonts, and designs. You can design a custom line sheet even If you have even a little idea about graphic designing. This option allows you to work in your virtual workshop to forge your product’s best unique design.

  1. 1×1:

The single-product line sheet template of line sheet allows you to place only a single product on it. It is best suitable when introducing a new product to your lineage. This template provides your product a virtual spotlight to catch the full attention of the customer. The product’s stunning image is placed at the very center of the sheet. You can populate the remaining space with features and information regarding the enlisted product.

  1. 2 x 1:

Such a template is useful for pair-products such as whiskey and tequila. The enlisted products demand to be purchased in pairs. You can place two of your unique items on this template. This design is often requested by the customer (vendors, retailers, etc.) because they help increase sales. It motivates the customer to purchase both the products because each of them seems incomplete without the other.

  1. 3 x 1:

The 3×1 template is best suitable when launching three new products to the market. This template allows you to create a comparison between the products. It is usually used by cellphone giants such as Apple, Samsung, etc., because they launch different variants of the same model each year. It allows the customer to choose the correct item (device) for them quickly.

  1. The nine product list:

The 3×3 template allows you to create a grid of nine products on your line sheet. It will enable you to describe nine of your top products on a single page. Each item gets an allocated space that is just enough to give all the required details. This template is not suitable for populating with separate merchandise lines because it will start to look irrelevant. For multiple categories, you should consider the 5×3 template.

  1. 5×3:

The fifteen product template is the largest line sheet layout that you can achieve on a printable page.  You can populate the sheet with all of your product lineages. It is best to use if you have an established market share. This template is best suitable for presenting to vendors and retailers. It allows them to place the order by just going through the list quickly. Line sheets must constantly be current, contain your newest products, stocking units, and prices, and use professional layouts and images. The zip file you downloaded includes a spreadsheet as well. You can use this type of spreadsheet with pagination to quickly and automatically create your line sheet as both a PDF and an InDesign file.




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