Procrastination in College
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Best Ways to Combat Procrastination in College

by Eric

College life is full of challenges. There are loads of assignments that need to be done within the deadline and lessons to study. Essays and succeeding tests and exams are here and there and sometimes you can’t handle the workload. But the reality is that people tend to procrastinate when it comes to working on some really important tasks. You believe there’s still enough time to get the essays done and prepare for the test. Or you may get distracted with overloads of little things or be just too lazy to work on your assignments. That’s how we procrastinate.

Then comes the worst part – you do your best to cope with everything on a plate overnight. You try to focus on all tasks at once thinking that you will be able to keep it all in mind. Then you get stressed because you realize you don’t have enough time to get the job done and get enough sleep at night.

So why do students procrastinate? As a rule, all the reasons for avoiding and delaying are rooted in lack of inspiration, low self-confidence, lack of motivation, being challenged by an assignment at hand, or perhaps, fear of not being able to accomplish the task and looking stupid, as a result. The point is that procrastination never helps us. Instead, it makes things even worse. That is why we have provided some of the best techniques to avoid procrastination when you’re in college.

Always Create a To-Do List

When you have a detailed to-do list at hand, you have an opportunity to organize your routine effectively. What is more, you can also rank what task needs to be accomplished first. Check the deadlines and the complexity level of every assignment to make sure you work on the toughest things first. Besides, this simple technique will help you monitor the tasks you have already completed and the words that you haven’t started yet.

Limit Distractions

When you need to focus on your college assignments, make sure to distance yourself from things that may distract you in the process. Put your iPhone away from you to ensure it won’t distract you from the task at hand. If you turn off all the notifications from sources like Instagram or Facebook, you will get your projects done faster, as well as learn your lessons well. It’s no doubt that it will be tempting to check your social networking websites; however, you have to do your best to avoid any sources that have nothing to do with your academic work. Read more about Best Language School in Singapore for Your English Course.

Find a Study Buddy

Having a study buddy in college can help you stay on track in the academic process. Make sure to choose a study partner that will 100% encourage you to focus on your studies and get your job done on time. If you do so, you both will reach your goals. At the same time, if you choose a study buddy who likes to talk a lot, you will end up chatting about nothing. This will lead you to a poorly accomplished piece of writing.

Don’t Forget to Reward Yourself

If you’re busy with work 24/7, you will find it hard to stay productive throughout the whole semester. Make sure to reward yourself every time you complete some important assignment. Having your favorite cappuccino or hanging out with friends are some nice things that you can reward yourself with. The reality is that you are less likely to procrastinate when you’re motivated and happy.

Have Regular Study Sessions

As much as having a detailed to-do list to check your assignments, you should try to monitor your college schedule, as well as set regular study sessions’ time. If you do so, you will have an opportunity to focus on your school work and be accountable to finish your tasks within any deadline specified by the tutor.

Use Apps to Help Yourself to Focus

Online services like Reddit, Instagram, and Facebook are perfect in moderation. However, the reality is that they can seriously distract you from work. If you’re one of the web addicts, make sure to eliminate all the distractions for good. Use such apps as FocusWriter, WriteRoom, StayFocusd, or LeechBlock that can work magic when it comes to getting inspired and motivated for productive work sessions.

Work in a Relaxing Environment

When it’s time to get your hands on the studying session, make sure to listen to some relaxing music in the process. This rule might not work for you; however, many college and university students tend to like listening to their favorite tunes in order to remain focused, productive, and relaxed while studying or working on their written assignments. The reality is that listening to some relaxing tunes such as jazz or lounge can help undergrads clear their minds, as well as remove the noises that usually distract from the process. The room where you choose to study should be quiet. What is more, your surroundings shouldn’t be too dim or too bright. This may lead to your eyes getting hurt when you’re studying your lessons, writing college papers, or reading,

Ask for Help When Needed

There will be college assignments that you will find really difficult to cope with or finish within the tough deadline. If needed, make sure to approach online professional helpers that render custom essay papers service and ask a competent writer to assist you. Whatever it is that you’re stuck with – college essay, book review, lab report, or any other academic project – do not hesitate to ask for quality professional help. After all, we’re all humans and tend to lack time to cope with all the tasks at once.

Finally, ensure to tell someone what your academic goals are. Approach your friend or family member and tell them what it is that you want to get done and when. As a result, there will be someone holding you responsible for the goals on the list. When you’re finally done with work successfully, you will also have someone to celebrate your victories with.

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