Auto clicker for chromebook
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Auto clicker for Chromebook

by Eric

Necessary things required for enabling auto clicker in mobiles:

To enable this feature in your phone, you need to make some changes to your phone settings. And this setting cannot be enabled in every common phone, it requires your phone to be Android 11 or above. If you don’t know the version of your phone, you can check it by following the steps that are as given below:

  • Firstly, you should open your phone’s Settings app.
  • Go to the bottom and then press “system” and later tap “system update”.
  • Then you can see an option of “Android version” through which you can check the version of your phone, and there is also an option for “Android Security update”, where you can check the available updates required for your phone. Do these updates, after their completion you can make an auto clicker enable on your android phone. Read more about Perks of laptops monthly payment.

Then you can get benefited from this feature of an auto clicker for Chromebook. If you usually use the mouse along with your Android device, you can set the cursor  {it has an API that allows the app to read the text, tables, or columns (in a type-safe manner)} to take action automatically, because when the cursor stops working for a certain amount of time, then an auto clicker performs its normal functions.

How you can change the setting of your phone to enable an auto clicker for Chromebook?

After checking the version of android mobiles, go to the settings app, then you should follow some necessary points that are as follows:

  • First of all, open the Settings app of your device.
  • Tap on Accessibility, then tap Auto click (dwell timing). It may be different on some devices, this setting is called Click after the pointer stops moving.
  • You can set the timing according to your own will between when you stop moving the mouse and when the automatic click happens. The options for different timings are as follows:
  • Short timing (0.2 seconds)
  • Medium timing (0.6 seconds)
  • Long timing (1 second)
  • Custom  timing

Types of an auto clickers for Chromebook?

There are many auto clickers specialized for specific functions. Here we will discuss some most popular auto clickers:

  • OP Auto Clicker
  • Auto Clicker Pro
  • ai
  • PTFB Pro
  • Murgaa
  • AutoClicker
  • Fast Auto Clicker
  • GS Auto Clicker
  • MacroClicker
  • MouseClicker
  • Free Auto Clicker

OP Auto Clicker:

It is very simple and free software that is very easy to operate. It provides its users with two different modes to select the way to use an auto clicker. Gamers, programmers, software testers, and others can use it to perform tasks faster and with minimal effort. You can download it without any charges and can also use it free of cost.

Auto Clicker Pro:

It is very easy and friendly to use, fully featured, and also has a complete mouse macro system. It is the fastest mode of performing the main tasks with 100 times more speed as compared to the others. It is also free to download and use. Its major benefit is that it is virus-free.


It is the latest version of the apple operating system. It is also free to install and use. It also shows some trials to its users to make its use more familiar and simple.


It allows the mouse to click automatically which helps you in increasing the speed of your work. It is also very easy to use.

Auto clicker for Chromebook plays a key role in making the task easier and faster.

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