Top 10 Educational Shows
Home Education Top 10 Educational Shows To Be Streamed In Online Classes

Top 10 Educational Shows To Be Streamed In Online Classes

by Eric

The era of online classes has made available various enchanting ways of teaching to educators. The rote learning system often gets exhausting, and students start losing interest in the subjects. To retain the students’ attention, streaming shows or movies with a solid educational message will be highly beneficial. Making the students watch some good educational series will remove their boredom and be fully charged with energy and enthusiasm. They will be more drawn to attending classes from the next day as they will be full of zeal after a good watch. After all, educational movies are a great way to make learning fun!

The feature of ‘screen sharing’ will be present. Make use of this feature and just share the screen and give your students a day of relaxation. In this blog, we have come up with the top 10 educational shows/series available on Netflix, and you can stream these in the classroom. Gear up to watch the faces of your students getting lit up with delight!

White Fang

White Fang is a great movie that is suitable for children of almost all age groups. It is based on a classic novel of the same name. Students, who have read the novel, can watch the film to trace the differences between the two versions. You may even question the contrast between the versions in the next class to demonstrate their observation qualities.

A Year In Space

This movie is based on astronaut Scott Kelly’s adventures in space. Students interested in the solar system and astronomy will find this movie highly informative and quite engaging. Read more about 1st Grade Spelling Words With Activities

Stand and Deliver

This movie recounts the tale of a stern teacher who encourages his not-so-financially-sound students from dropping out. Stand and Deliver is based on a true story, and there is no doubt that the students will love watching it. The way the teacher makes the young pupils practice advanced maths and transforms their lives is worth watching for both the students and teachers alike.


If you are a science teacher, streaming Brainchild is going to be a great idea. This show is produced by Pharell Williams and shares essential information with the students about the various kinds of scientific experiments. This will be a fun watch as the curious minds will be elated with joy on getting to know about multiple astounding results from the experiments.

Chasing Coral

Chasing Coral is the perfect documentary film to be streamed in virtual classrooms. In this film, scientists, photographers, and underwater divers travel around the world to go on an underwater expedition. The film digs into the reasons behind the disappearance of coral reefs. It is an eye-opener to show how the coral reefs are getting destroyed by the increase in highly exploiting human activities.

I am Kalam

I am Kalam is a must-watch film for every student and even teacher. The film is based on the life story of A. P. J Abdul Kalam and talks about his determination and hard work that made him receive outstanding accomplishments and the honor of being one of the Presidents of India. Through this inspiring film, the students will learn to grow up by imbibing within themselves the ideals followed by Mr. Kalam. The movie in itself is like a motivational quote for students.

Night On Earth

This excellent movie shows how the advent of advanced technologies has succeeded in exposing the hidden, secret lifestyles of nocturnal creatures. This detailed insight into the lives of these organisms will enlighten the students on the animal world.


The movie Seaspiracy shows the efforts of a filmmaker in unraveling the harm that human activities inflict on the marine species. Students learn about the adverse effects of global warming and can shoulder the responsibility towards making the earth a better place to live in for others. Through this movie, the pupils will learn about the various steps that can be taken towards conserving nature.


Digitalized mode of education has provided the teachers with the golden opportunity to make learning for the students a fun one. The suggested films will enrich the students’ knowledge about other aspects such as the animal world, environment, and eminent figures. Help your students get out of their stressed state of mind. Letting them have a little break is going to benefit them in the long run.

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