3 Surprising Reasons Why Ceramic Wedding Bands for Men are Popular among Bridegrooms
Home Fashion 3 Surprising Reasons Why Ceramic Wedding Bands for Men are Popular among Bridegrooms

3 Surprising Reasons Why Ceramic Wedding Bands for Men are Popular among Bridegrooms

by Eric

Ceramic wedding bands for men are the in-thing today – especially men who like modest designs, which look more sensible than grandiose. Ceramic rings have that sheen as well as a smooth feel that you cannot ignore. They come in varied designs, patterns, colors, and styles. You may choose from white, classic black, or colors. Then, if you are looking for something subtle, avoid choosing loud colors.

According to an article published in Vogue, when you ask for a woman’s hand at a wedding, it means saving two months’ paychecks to afford the best wedding ring for you and her.

If you are looking for ceramic rings that look simple and within your budget, here are some of the surprising reasons why they are so popular these days:

1. Ceramic rings are strong and do not crack

When you hear the word ceramic, what comes to your mind first? You think of ceramic pots and plates. The next thought that tickles your mind is whether the ceramic wedding band will break or not with use. To tell you the truth, ceramic rings do not break, chances are little or insignificant. Did you know that ceramic is stronger than metals like steel? It may surprise you, but it is the truth.

Therefore, when you are out shopping for your ceramic wedding band, choose the best design and make. Your ring should be strong and last for a long time. Gold rings, which are so expensive often bend or break with use.

2. Ceramic wedding bands are in vogue

EpicWeddingBands made of ceramic are the latest craze today compared to gold or platinum. These days, everything has become expensive and so are weddings. That is why many couples are switching to contemporary wedding bands, which last long and easy on their budget. Ceramic rings are not only popular as wedding jewelry but also as anniversary gifts.

Besides being affordable, ceramic wedding bands look stylish just as other expensive jewelry. You can always choose customized ceramic bands with inlay design and adorned with gemstones. When you choose ceramic when many are opting for gold or platinum, the rarity of your choice makes you a trendsetter instead of always following what others are doing. You can choose the ring you like to wear instead of blindly following social norms just to prove a point.

3. Ceramic rings do not lose polish

Did you know even the most sturdy wedding rings are vulnerable to scratches? For example, platinum wedding bands do lose their polish and patina with use. When you shop for a ceramic wedding band, you do not need to fret over polish. Ceramic is extremely resilient and retains its unique polish and shine for years. Ceramic is also not susceptible to oxidation, which is common in metals like steel and silver. Ceramic wedding bands are non-reactive to heat, implying they do not contract or expand. Flaunt your ceramic ring on your big day with unconventional wedding jewelry.


Now that you know why bridegrooms prefer ceramic wedding bands, you can opt for them for your upcoming nuptial ceremony. Show off your style and persona with ceramic rings.

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