How to write an impressive essay in the IELTS written test
Home Education How to write an impressive essay in the IELTS written test? 

How to write an impressive essay in the IELTS written test? 

by Eric

If you made up your mind to appear for the upcoming IELTS test then no doubt learning impressive essay writing should be in your topmost priority. There is no denying the fact that it is always difficult to make the reader read your entire essay with full concentration. If you want to attain such excellence then we would highly advise you to read this blog attentively. Your IELTS writing test will surely involve a lot of essay writing. Yes, it could be extremely challenging for you to master this technique. As it will surely require both logical planning and extreme creativity. 

However, we ensure that you will be able to write an impressive essay if you attentively read this blog without much hindrance. We have created this blog in such a manner that it will surely help you put utmost creativity into your essay. Yes, writing an impressive essay could be quite challenging but you can easily overcome this if you make a proper outline before crafting a particular type of essay. Our pointers will help you in crafting all kinds of essays in the upcoming IELTS Exam. If you think that you can gain excellence in it without the help of a reliable source. Then connect with the best IELTS classes in Jalandhar.

 Why is drafting an impressive essay so hard?

There are no two ways stating that crafting an impressive essay is quite hard for most of the students who aim to give the IELTS exam in the near future. There is no denying the fact that when it comes to the impressive essay, a wide variety of students look for reasons to put it off. However, when they decide to craft it they surely find it quite difficult to string sentences together that makes sense and impress the mind of the examiner. You must be thinking that it’s not your cup of tea. But dear student, if you make up your mind to tackle it then you will surely surpass it with flying colors. 

 The main reason why students can’t draft an impressive essay is that their mind is full of a wide variety of distractions. In the hope of writing the apt introduction, they end up making a mess. We would highly advise the students to make a proper outline before constructing an essay. Then only they can move forward without any hassle. Clear all your doubts about how you can write an impressive essay with the guidance of the best IELTS institute in Ludhiana.


Here are few tips that can help you construct a perfect essay in the upcoming IELTS exam:

Without any further ado, properly read this blog so that you will gain all the possible command over crafting an impressive essay on any type of topic. 

  • Make an effort to understand

The first and foremost thing is to truly understand what the question demands. If you are not well versed with the demand of the question then there is no denying the fact that you will not craft in a proper manner. It is extremely important for a student to devotedly pay attention to all the information mentioned in a specific question. The answer cannot be generated from anywhere. You have to use your mind and pick up the idea that can surely help you write an impressive essay in the IELTS exam. 

We would highly advise you to look at the question carefully then after that try to identify the type of the question. The best technique to craft an impressive essay is to focus on the keywords and write the content based on that. The prime thing is that you should not focus on the things that are not written to present in the essay. Craft an intrusion that welcomes the reader and provokes them to read further with full concentration. For vital information about this aspect, you can easily link with the best IELTS classes in Jalandhar.

  • Devotedly map out your idea

Before coming to the writing part, we would highly advise you to map out your idea. We understand the fact that for a specific topic you must have plenty of ideas. However, you have to pick the one that can majorly help you draft an impressive essay. We would advise you to take a pencil and jot down your ideas related to the specific type of topic. It is often seen that the students who craft the ideas usually score more marks than the others.

You must be thinking that mapping the idea consumes most of the time. No this is just in your mind. Set your mind that it will just take 1 minute to plan out things. Learn advanced vocabulary so that you can get your hands on creative English in a limited amount of time. Collect all possible information about this with the true assistance of the best IELTS institute in Ludhiana.

  • Minor knowledge about the common topics

We understand the fact that you can’t acquire all the information about every possible topic that could come in the exam. However, you should choose the option of reading about some topics. YOu might not know that you will get a similar one at the time of the examination. The best technique for that is to read the newspaper daily as this will enhance your general knowledge also and help you get familiar with new topics. We understand that it may sound boring to you but without diverting your concentration read it attentively. 






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