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How Do WordPress Plugins Really Work?

by Eric

Imagine that a WordPress site owner wants a plugin that will add a line of text saying “Thank you for reading!” underneath each post. In that scenario, publishing a post would be the event that starts the plugin’s “Thank you for reading!” function, and the role of the plugin would be to add the phrase to a post. WordPress plugins are essentially like applications on your mobile phone. You can either download or buy them to integrate or enhance the overall functionality of your WordPress blog. Plugins let WordPress users create highly functional, dynamic websites without ever touching a single line of the script. As user-friendly as WordPress is, it’s also a complex system to master for beginners. That’s why it’s critical to understand the benefits of using WordPress plugins in conjunction with a good WordPress template.

They simplify the installation process

One of the first things you’ll notice when you start using WordPress as your blogging platform is that there are lots of plug-ins to choose from. Some are available as free downloads, while others are paid for as part of a premium subscription package. In addition to offering a wide variety of new features, these plugins simplify the installation process and make life easier for novices. If you need to quickly and easily add a new widget, change the layout, add a new theme or even add an error reporting plugin, all you have to do is activate the plugin on your WordPress dashboard.

It enables basic image previews or playing audio

While most plugins offer the same basic functions — such as enabling basic image previews or playing audio — there are also some that do much more. For instance, some plugins render a customized WordPress theme with dozens of customizations, such as selecting a header for blog posts and customizing navigation options. Other plugins automate the process of converting Meta tags, optimizing your website for search engines. There are also lots of useful plug-ins for optimizing your site for Google, Yahoo, Bing, and other major search engines.

It makes it easier for your readers to navigate your content

But if you’re just starting out and don’t have much knowledge or experience with WordPress yet, you might be wondering what kind of plug-ins are available to help you along. Well, most of them offer two basic functions: basic functionality and new features. Most of the time, basic functionality means making it easier for your readers to navigate your content. And since WordPress is used by millions of people worldwide, most people will find your content anyway — so you don’t need to focus on creating a unique and exciting layout, instead focus on providing good content and making it easy for users to find what they’re looking for.

It enables you to quickly and easily optimize your website

But new functionality is where most new WordPress users start out. It also enables you to quickly and easily optimize your website for Google and other major search engines with just a few clicks. With this plugin, you can create a unique WordPress theme that is optimized for search engines. This theme is then applied to your entire website, so everything is designed to maximize visitors’ experience. If you need a little extra help and want to explore some of the plugin options available to you, there are always WordPress forums where you can get answers and discuss functionality with other WordPress users. Also, if you would rather create your own plugin and not go through the tedious process of learning how to do so, this is a good option as well.

How to use premium WordPress plugins

When it comes to using premium WordPress plugins, you have two main options. You can either install the plugin as is (which is what you would normally do when using the WordPress default template) or you can opt to purchase the plugin, which will then be downloaded into your WordPress installation directory along with other plugins files. This means that if you want to change the plugin’s behavior, or if you just want to install an entirely new one, you would have to change the code in your own WordPress installation directory. However, since all the code for the plugin is already there, it’s easier to uninstall a third-party plugin in WordPress by using the uninstall function. Plus, since you paid a fee for that particular plugin, it will make more sense to use that money to purchase the full version rather than using a premium version that just basically doesn’t work.

The most popular version of WordPress is WordPress 3.0, and it comes with so many plugins installed that it’s practically impossible not to find one that will meet your needs. However, even the most popular plugins run the risk of leaving you frustrated because they don’t offer everything you want. That’s why if you really want to maximize the functions of your blog, you should spend some time shopping around for free plugins. You’ll likely find several that will do everything you want them to, and if you use them in conjunction with your paid ones, you’ll quickly find a balance that provides you with everything you need and more. Learn more about Ziggeo’s WordPress plugin here. Let’s refer back to the plugin example from earlier to learn how to instal a plugin that isn’t listed in the official directory. If the “Thank you for reading!” plugin is not present in the directory, you should download it as a zip file and save it using an FTP client in the directory’s wp-content/plugins folder. The plugin would be installed on your WordPress website automatically as a result.


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