Spelling Words
Home Education 1st Grade Spelling Words With Activities

1st Grade Spelling Words With Activities

by Eric

You’ve found the right place if you are a parent or teacher looking for activities and 1st-grade spelling words. We have compiled several lists based on Dolch’s vocabulary, Fry’s textbooks, and other resources.

It will be easy for you to find the right words to practice with all of these words. How do you practice these words? You will find many new ideas on our activity pages.

Foundational Spelling Skills For First Grade:

Strong decoding skills allow children to use their knowledge of sound-letter correspondence to quickly read familiar words and to begin reading with ease. Because decoding is based on the rules and phonics, first graders must be able to remember words that don’t conform to those rules.

Your child will be a better decoder in the first grade and be able to do these things.

  • Mix or separate the sounds (phonemes), of many one-syllable words like sip and bat.
  • Long vowel sounds can be read (see, say so).
  • Start to sound out more complicated words, including those ending in the silent “e”.

It takes practice to decode. These activities can be used to help your child learn phonics. Encourage your child as he or she takes the first step toward becoming a reader.

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These are some tips to help your child learn phonics:

  1. Talk about sounds and letters
  2. Your child should be able to identify the sounds and names of each letter. Make it a game! “I am thinking of a letter.
  3. Practice patience!
  4. Beginners may be slow readers. Allow your child to read slowly and don’t rush.
  5. Encourage your children to pay attention to sounds and letters
  6. Encourage your child to examine the first letter of a word and then make the sound. This should only be done for words that can easily be sounded out. If the word cannot be sounded out, you can just provide the word.

Phonics Activities First Graders:

  • Fridge Fun

You can practice phonics with magnetic letters right in the kitchen. Ask your child to arrange the alphabetical order of the letters for a refresher on the alphabet. Next, ask your child to choose a letter and think of a simple word made up of three or four letters that begin with that letter. Then, have her spell it out on the fridge. Is your child able to think of other words that could be spelled with the first letter? Next, ask your child to change one letter of the word to create a new word.

  • Words scrambled

On a piece of paper, draw three boxes side-by-side. Use magnetic letters or paper letters to scramble letters from a simple three-letter word (big bug, top, ran) underneath the boxes. Your child should help you to unscramble the letters, and then place them in the right box.

  • More, more!

Ask your child to locate and cut out any words from a magazine or newspaper that she can read. You can glue or tape them to a piece of paper. Then, practice reading the words together.

  • The “H Brothers”

Your child should know that sometimes two letters can be joined to make one sound. To make the sounds sh, ch, and th, wh, ph, the “H Brothers” join other letters. To help your child remember the letter combination, write down some example words. To reinforce the concept, here’s a fun way to tell the story about the H Brothers.

  • Spelling lightning round

For a few minutes every day, talk about or play games with letter sounds. When you are driving, cooking dinner, or doing chores around the house, give your child a two-letter word and a three-letter word to spell. Make sure words sound the same as they sound. For words correctly spelled, give a cheer and a high-five

  • Cereal box read aloud

You can practice sounding out words at the breakfast table. Take a look at your child’s cereal box together and choose a simple word to practice sounding out the letters. You can practice blending the sounds to create the word.

  • Grocery store literacy

Many grocery products come in many different flavors. Ask your child to help find the right flavor by looking at the labels. Is she able to find low-fat milk, for example? What about the tuna fish that is packed in water? She will use her reading skills to locate the right item. Your child should be in charge of the grocery shopping list. Your child can help you to put the items in the cart.

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First Grade Spelling Curriculum Sequence:

DAD and MOM are two examples of starting points for lists of spelling words in the first grade. The children then work through “word families” to increase their list. They would then be able to cover BAD and SAD as well as HAD and MAD. They might also change the vowel to DID. Children could then move to CAT and BAT, FAT and SAT, as well as CAR or BAR.

First-grade spelling skills should improve to include the blend T plus R, which makes the TR sound like in TREE. F and R are combined to create the FR sound, FROG.

Every child learns at their own pace. What works for 85% of students may not work for you. Spellquiz.com ‘s modularized, self-paced lesson plans are a popular choice for parents. You can choose to skip lessons that cover concepts your child already knows and go back to those that he or she does not know. You have the option to choose.

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How to Teach Grade 1 Spelling?

Before learning how to spell, children need to establish a foundation in phonics. The first four weeks should be spent focusing on:

  • The alphabet
  • The sounds that the letters make
  • Learn how to write letters
  • Beginning to read, etc.

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