What You Need To Bring To An Immigration Bond hearing
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What You Need To Bring To An Immigration Bond hearing

by Eric

Whatever happens to detainees held in the ICE facilities due to immigration cases varies considerably depending on various options. Regardless,  your priority is to free custody and get back to friends and family. But before that happens, you need to go before an immigration bond hearing, where a judge assesses the eligibility for your custody release.  The purpose of the immigration bond hearing is for the court to review whether the evidence submitted by you supports the fact that you are trustworthy and will comply with court orders once your bond is posted. In that case, it’s up to you to present substantial proof before the judge to prove that you’ll impose no risk once bailed. You will also find it necessary to have a bondsman who can bail on your behalf in such times of difficulty. Here are things that you need to bring during an immigration bond hearing:

Relevant Papers And Letters

As an immigrant detainee, you need to assemble the necessary proof that complements whatever you say to the judge as truth. Before requesting a court hearing, you should consult with friends and family and gather all relevant papers. The judge will review these papers during your immigration bond hearing. These papers should be sent to you rather than the judge. The judge is essentially restricted from assessing papers sent by persons other than you during the hearing. During the hearing, you will bring these papers alongside and give them to the judge.

Similarly, you can bring friends and family to court to speak to the judge. If they are unable to get to the court, they can write letters that you’ll present to the judge. In addition, you can request letters from other persons, including close associates such as your employer, probation officer, and pastor.

Since different people will be writing these letters, certain criteria must be followed. First, they should write the letters in their own words addressing the immigration judge. They should also indicate their names, their immigration status, their signature, and how they relate to you.

On the other hand, the person you intend to live with after your release should provide their full address and indicate their willingness to accommodate your stay. They should also indicate whether they are willing to support you until you acquire a work permit in case you lack one.

Other letters submitted by you should address your past criminal records. They should indicate how you violated the law and how you’ve changed. In that case, the judge would want to know if you’re likely to make a relative mistake once released. Therefore, it is essential to bring any certificates showing successful completion of programs and classes offered during prison time.

Nevertheless, you can bring a copy of the birth certificate of your spouse, parent, or child who has their citizenship based in the U.S. On the other hand, you can submit a copy of petitions filed by your friends or family members denoting you as a lawfully permanent resident. That includes copies of letters from the DHS that proves the case was filed. Other copies should indicate whether the DHS approved the petition.

Properly Translated Papers

The judge will not assess any paper written in a foreign language unless they have a corresponding translation to the English language. That means you need to find a translator who can accurately translate papers written in languages other than English. While submitting the translated letters or papers, you should include the original paper (written in a foreign language). On the other hand, the person responsible for translations should sign the “Certificate of Translations” after translating every document. The certificate indicates their level of competency and whether the translations are done are true and accurate.

A Complete Address

To successfully get out of detention, you need to present a complete address to the judge. That is contrary to the status quo, as most detainees often bring a friend’s or family’s phone number to their bond hearing. Others tend to present an incomplete address.

Unfortunately, the judge can only grant bail to detainees with a complete address.  That follows the fact that your case still proceeds after your release from detention, and the court might find it necessary to send you papers during this time indicating the time and place of your next hearing.

Other than a complete address –your street name and apartment number you’ll be living in; the judge will reject alternative addresses like your post office number.

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