Instagram to increase the sales
Home Business Instagram to increase the sales of a marketplace: An effective guide

Instagram to increase the sales of a marketplace: An effective guide

by Eric

Every current digital marketing strategy includes Instagram to drive sales of a marketplace. The impact is greater; it strengthens the link between user and brand and, above all, increases sales. Since it was released in 2010, Instagram has gained users and popularity without stopping. This social network once used to share food photographs, has become a reference channel for brands wishing to reach potential customers. The rise of the influencer (influencers mostly use Qubeviews services to achieve their targets) and the immediacy of mobile devices have placed it at the top of the list of preferences.

How can Instagram help your market?

Instagram can be an excellent ally for startups and consolidated companies that want to expand their presence on the market. In addition, intelligent and careful use of this tool can offer the following advantages:

  • It allows you to upload creative, high-quality images of products.
  • Provide users with quick, anywhere access to your marketplace
  • Being a global social network, the possibilities of attracting users are practically endless.
  • Improve customer engagement and help brand positioning.
  • The process of purchasing from Instagram is simple, which increases the revenue of your business.
  • Tips for using Instagram to increase sales in the marketplace.

Whether you want to increase sales or improve your brand image, Instagram is the ideal social network. To achieve these goals and improve your market, it is advisable to follow the following guidelines:

Use interesting photographs:

In a social network where image is everything, you need to take care of this aspect with care. If you are not a photography expert, the best thing to do is to hire a professional. A poor quality image detracts from the attractiveness of a product and significantly damages its sales.

One way to increase traffic and attract users is to mark the images with the name of your online store. This way, your Instagram followers will know where to find more information about the activity. One detail to keep in mind is that when a photo is published, it is cut into a square shape. Keep this in mind when implementing images.

Complete your post with interesting and decisive subtitles for the purchase decision. A powerful and compelling title adds value to posts. Remember that the recommended dimensions for Instagram are 1080 x 1080, and the character limit for subtitles is 2200.

Engage your audience with special content:

If you want to use Instagram to encourage sales in a market, you need to foster a solid relationship with the community. They must feel loved, and the brand must offer them special treatment. Your reputation is the best weapon to get more sales. Several factors will be very helpful in strengthening this union.

  • Develop a unique brand voice. Communication must connect humanely with your audience. In recent years, the use of emojis has proliferated, transforming the tone of many companies.
  • Share your company’s philosophy. Find a concrete meaning linked to your business, the reason that drives you to sell your product.
  • Combine passion and content. If you are passionate about nature, why not create content related to what you love? The passion for the topics that your followers like can open many doors. The connection will be stronger, and they will be more open to speaking well of your brand and your items. Read more about Most Common Instagram SEO Mistakes You Need to Avoid.

 Improve the shopping experience: 

The user must feel at home when accessing your profile. Effective use of Instagram to drive sales from a market must transform the interest for sale. To achieve this, try implementing these tips:

  • Tag the products in your posts. Take advantage of this feature by adding all your products through your Marketplace. This makes it easy for your community to see the prices and details of each product. For example, a cart icon may contain a small catalog of products. Therefore, the user does not have to look for information because he gets it immediately.
  • The probability of selling increases. The marketing ABC indicates that the best way to sell is to create a need. Be inspired by current market trends to capture ideas. You can link your products to the latest fashion, for example. If you sell shoes and the most innovative thing is special trousers, publish a photo that combines both elements. If the user identifies with one of the two products, it is useful, and the sale is facilitated.
  • Provide contact information. You must be available at all times through various channels. Offer your customers more options to facilitate their purchases. It is interesting to include a phone number for orders and a button with a CTA. In Bio information, add an email or phone to provide customers with additional contact forms.

Contact the sector influencers to promote your products:

Working with Instagram influencers to drive the sales of a Marketplace is a currently consolidated strategy. Its operation is reminiscent of traditional word of mouth and can cause your product to reach various niche markets. When a company works with an influencer or blogger, its image becomes more powerful and attractive. Followers really appreciate this strategy and trust product reviews. This helps brands improve the conversion rate and generate more revenue.

Analyze how competitors use influencers for their marketing campaigns. Even if they are companies outside your business, you will see better what the current market trends are. Betting on this technique means giving influencers the freedom to decide which content to publish. The only thing you need to enter is the product and some basic guidelines to follow during the campaign. After all, they are the ones who know how to connect with the public at best.

Promote your publications:

When designing the content strategy for Instagram, you must be clear that you will have to invest in advertising. While it is true that you can attract customers in general, most will come through advertising campaigns. Promotions on Instagram to encourage sales from a marketplace are easy to set up:

  • Go to your company profile and click on “Promotions.”
  • On the next screen, tap “Create promotion ” and choose the publication you want to promote.
  • Select where the business is located.
  • In the next step, choose your target audience. You can also delegate this choice to Instagram, but it is advisable to perform segmentation manually.
  • Finally, set your ad’s budget and duration. Depending on your campaign, you can promote more than one publication and distribute the budget among the ads. In addition to working on ads, buy Instagram followers to increase your sales.

Now that you know the possibilities offered by using this social network for your company, it’s time to get to work. If you want to use Instagram to drive sales in a market, you have to do it with the best professionals.

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