Ear Gauging
Home Fashion Ear Gauging Without Being Afraid Of The Pain

Ear Gauging Without Being Afraid Of The Pain

by Eric

Ear gauging is a process in which holes are pierced into ear lobes or other parts of the ear so these can be stretched over time to accommodate larger gauge jewelry. It may sound painful, but for most, it’s actually not so bad once you get used to it. There are even ways that make ear stretching much less traumatic.

How to make ear gauges without being afraid of the pain

  1. First, you must clean your ear lobes. This is best done with rubbing alcohol, although soap and hot water work fine too. Make sure that the area that will be pierced is completely dry before piercing it or else there might be trouble later on.
  2. If the person who is going to stretch their ears prefers wearing plugs, they can try to pre-stretch the hole. This means putting jewelry in your ear lobes that are larger than the size you will be wearing to stretch them gradually.
  3. You can use a needle or putty to manually stretch your ears if they are too small for plugs. Putty is safer because it doesn’t require anything sharp; however, using a needle allows you to control how fast and big of an increase in size the hole will be receiving which could help prevent discomfort later on during stretching. Your holes should not close up when doing this method either, meaning you should only do one at a time (the putty can also easily slip out).
  4. When finally ready to make the piercings, sterilize everything in boiling water for 10 minutes. Soak your plugs or tapers in hot water for 5 minutes before putting them into the ear lobes to stretch them. When doing this make sure you hold them horizontally because if not, there might be a discomfort when the ear gauges are trying to heal.
  5. The best way to stretch your ears is by using taper kits because they are made of smooth material that doesn’t irritate the ears too much and is easy to control how big you want your piercings to become. Also, using tapered plugs will help keep the holes stretched without tearing so easily because they should stay put once inserted through the hole(s). Read more about Beauty Therapy Courses: All You Need To Know!
  6. Once you have reached a good size with your gauged ear lobes, you can use O-rings to keep them from closing up.
  7. You should stretch your ears only every other month because the skin in your ear lobes is sensitive and needs time to heal in between stretching. If you try to stretch too fast, there might be discomfort and injury which could result in infection or even scarring.
  8. Ear gauging can take a long time and is not meant for everyone since it does come with health risks that you need to be aware of before you make any piercings (like tearing, infection, etc.). It’s also very expensive if you want to get plugs made out of costly materials like gold or silver (which is why many people use hooks instead).
  9. The final step would be to take out the taper pliers, clean them with rubbing alcohol or soap and water, then use them to remove your newly stretched earplugs!

Ear Gauging

Ear gauging is a fun and less painful way to stretch your ear piercings. Although there are risks involved with stretching, most can be prevented if you know what to do.

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