Living Arrangements for Senior Citizens
Home Assisted Living Living Arrangements for Senior Citizens Ranked by Quality and Price

Living Arrangements for Senior Citizens Ranked by Quality and Price

by Eric

Adults with aging loved ones whether parents or grandparents often wonder what’s the best living arrangement for them. The answer to that is simple, yet not so simple. The short, simple answer is: it depends. However, that’s a statement that has many complexities to it. Here’s a look at four of the most popular living arrangements for senior citizens, their benefits, their drawbacks, and their costs— which could be a drawback itself.

1: Aging in Place

The majority of senior citizens want to remain living in their own homes, which is known as aging in place. However, successful aging in place has to be done safely and comfortably, meaning that minor changes may have to be made in order for this to happen.

The biggest changes would be home renovations. The most common renovations are bathroom changes (such as installing grab bars and slip-resistant strips in the shower) to reduce the risk of falling, kitchen changes to make cooking easier and items more accessible, and universal designs (such as ramps and residential elevators) for those who use a wheelchair to get around. These renovations can cost thousands of dollars, so it’s not the cheapest arrangement— even though it’s usually considered to be the best.

Unfortunately, not all seniors are able to age in place. Those with extremely limited mobility or dementia don’t often fare well when living alone. There is the option of having a home health aide check in on the senior from time to time— just keep in mind that this is an added cost.

2: Living with Relatives

Some families believe that moving their aging loved ones in with them is the best option for their safety and comfort. Maybe their original home isn’t safe for them to live in alone, and home renovations are out of the question— whether due to expenses or the fact that the house cannot have suitable changes made.

Of all the options, this has the potential to be the least expensive, although it’s a good idea to have your home as the new caregiver renovated as well. Since bathrooms and stairs pose the greatest risks for senior falls, make sure your aging loved one is able to have their own room and bathroom on the ground floor.

The only downside to this living arrangement is that it may be hard for all family members to adjust to the new arrangement— especially if there are children and teens present. This also may not be the best option if the home is already crowded. This arrangement tends to work best when there’s extra room available.

3: Retirement Communities

Retirement homes and communities are often confused with nursing homes when there’s actually a big difference between the two. Retirement homes are much more independent and are best for seniors who don’t need special medical care or daily assistance— but aren’t able to stay in their own homes or live with family.

Depending on where you live and the type of community you choose, retirement homes can range anywhere from $18,000 to $120,000 per year. This depends on the number of amenities and luxuries that are included in the community.

Retirement communities are a great option for those seniors who may have family that lives far away. The community setting gives them a chance to interact with other seniors, and maintain their social and mental health.

4: Nursing Homes and Assisted Living

Much like hospice care, nursing homes and other assisted living facilities are recommended for patients who need round-the-clock care. This type of care is best for individuals who can’t effectively take care of themselves or have family members who are trained to provide the right type of care they require.

As far as price goes, nursing home costs are comparable to college tuition in some cases. The average cost of a private room is nearly $300 a day, totaling well over $100,000 per year— easily making it the most expensive living arrangement for senior citizens.

Unfortunately, this expensive care doesn’t always come with quality treatment. Many people are aware of and have personally experienced nursing home abuse and neglect. Contact a personal injury attorney, such as those at Rosenfeld Injury Lawyers, to ensure that you or your loved one receives justice.

Overall, aging in place gives seniors the best quality of life when their safety and comfort are taken into consideration. Living with a family gives family members peace of mind, while retirement communities allow seniors to socialize with their peers. Finally, nursing homes should be reserved for seniors who need extensive medical care— but it’s also important to make sure the nursing home is of good quality.

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