Before starting the services of craigslist Bloomington Indiana services, first, we will tell you actually what is craigslist? It is an American advertising website. It is a private corporation that gives the services of advertising, community forums, and community services on the internet. In some areas, their servi9ces are restricted. The band areas include 500 cities in 50 countries. You can use it for advertising something such as you can post Jobs, houses for sale, various products you want, services, gigs, resumes, discussion forums, and community services.
Craigslist services were started in 1995. The first service of craigslist was an email distribution list of friends. Now, this website gives services to 70 countries. Now we discuss the craigslist Bloomington services. In this article, I’ll enlighten you about craigslist and give you some using ideas about it. Few I’ll list down and for more info you have to visit the website. If you want to sell something and want to purchase something then craigslist is the best option for you.
Interesting facts about Craigslist:
Some interesting facts about craigslist are as follow;
- This website has 60 million U.S users.
- It has page views of approx 50 billion in a month.
- People post more than 100 million posts on craigslist per month.
- If you need a job then visit craigslist because 2 million posts are only job posts.
- It is a legal website.
- It’s a free online advertising website.
Craigslist Bloomington Indiana services:
You can use its all services in Bloomington Indiana. You are free to use them, with no restrictions. The following services are provided by Craigslist Bloomington Indiana; Read more about Craigslist Cincinnati Ohio services.
Community Posts:
You can use its community services freely. Few services I listed down for giving you ideas about the website and for more info visit the website.
- Artists
- Child care
- Events
- Rants & Raves
- Pets
- Musicians
- Politics
And many other community services are available. For more info visit Craigslist Bloomington. You can post the strangest photos for advertisement on Rants & Raves.
Housing Posts:
You can use it for advertising your housing costs. Few housing services are as follow;
- Housing wanted
- Office/ commercial
- Rooms wanted
- House for sale
- Real estate for sale
For more info visit the craigslist site of Bloomington.
The jobs list is very long. You can advertise any job advertisement on the Craigslist site. Few jobs advertisements options are as follows;
- Accounting/finance
- TV/ Film/ Videos
- Real estate
- Business / mgmt
- Education
- Government
- General labor
- Transport
- Web / Info Design
- Writing / Editing
- Retail / Wholesale
- Marketing/ad
- Art / Media design
- Admin/office
- Arch/engineering
- Salon / Spa / Fitness
- Technical support
- Systems / Network
These were only a few options of jobs, many others are also available. For more info visit the Craigslist Bloomington Indiana website and use it as you want.
For Sale:
You can advertise your products for sale on the craigslist website. A few options are as follows;
- Boats
- Beauty + Health
- Households
- Antiques
- Barter
- Books
- Cars + Trucks
- Bikes
- Cell Phones
- Art + Crafts
- Farm + Garden
- Furniture
- Heavy Equip
- Jewelry
- Music instruments
- Sporting
- Boat parts
- Auto parts
- Baby + Kid
- Clothes
- Electronics
- Wheels + tires
- Toys + games
- Tools
- Trailers
These were only a few options, you can use them for any need for advertisement. Craigslist Bloomington Indiana website is an online advertising website, for more info about sales visit the website.
Gigs, Resumes,
You can use it for resumes and gigs, gigs options such as
- Computer
- Events
- Talent
- Creative and many others
Services of craigslist are;
- Legal
- Travel
- Households
- Creative
- Cell/Mobiles
- Automotives
- Marine
The above are a few services, for more info visit the website.
Discussion forums
Forums include
- apple
- arts
- music
- money
- writing
- diet
- divorce & many other options