Protection of data
Home Tech Protection of Data (Privacy and Security) in Windows 10

Protection of Data (Privacy and Security) in Windows 10

by Eric

Protection of data is a term that is used to protect your personal data, business data or some organization’s data from theives. Because information is being created and stored at an unprecedented rate, information protection is becoming more and more crucial. In order to prevent cybercrime, it is crucial to follow correct data protection in Windows 10 processes by supplying information, especially on banking services, addresses, and contact details. Customers’ bank accounts, for instance, are deceived. Privacy violations can be expensive.

How to hide and Protect your Data in Windows

Most of us store a lot of personal information on our computers, and it’s worth starting to protect data, whether we sniff out family members or want to build a layer of protection against hackers. And it’s easier to do than you think! You can choose from several methods, each offering its own level of protection. You can hide the data from being obviously displayed on your system, or you can even go completely and use passwords or use encryption techniques. Some of these techniques in which we can protect data in windows are the following.

Techniques of protection of data in windows:

Following are the techniques that can be used to protect data;

  1. Password Protection

Windows don’t have a built-in way to password protect your data. There’s a .bat method that The Windows Club offers, but it’s not secure at all, and at best it’s just a nifty trick. For proper password protection, you must contact third-party software.

  1. Hide the Drive

This allows you to go one step further and hide the entire drive before discovering it on your computer. To get started, perform a system scan for disk management and select the appropriate result. A window will appear showing all the internal and external drives connected to the system. Right-click the drive you would like to cover and choose “Change Drive Letters and Paths” within the new window that opens, select the drive letter, click “Remove” and click on OK. Now you will find that the drive has left your computer and can’t be searched on the system. Read more

  1. Hide the Data

Windows features a built-in method that permits you to cover individual files or folders. First, we need to make sure that the files that are marked as hidden appear. Start Windows Explorer, move to Organize> Folder and Search Options, and choose the View tab. Then, under Hidden files and folders, select Do not show hidden files, folders, or drives, then press OK.

Now to cover your details. Right-click the folder or file in question, select Properties, then on the General tab, select Hidden. For extra protection, select Advanced… and unmark the archiving options. this implies that your file won’t appear in Windows Search. To show hidden data, simply repeat the above steps and flip the check-boxes.

  1. Encryption:

If you see the most secure protection available, you need to use encryption. Each of the above methods helps to some extent, but it has its flaws. Using the strongest method of encryption ensures that only people who know the decryption key can access the data.

Window 10 Security is an important consideration, and hopefully, these tips have helped tighten control over personal information. It wouldn’t leave compromising documents around the house, so don’t use it on your computer because bad eyes can find it. Remember that you can achieve the protection you want by combining the above techniques.

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