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AOC hot | Alexandria Ocasio Cortez

by Eric

From bartender, AOC hot | Alexandria Ocasio Cortez took a hot seat in Congress, shocking everyone after toppling the powerful incumbent Democrat. Her charismatic personality and extreme political views have been fatal to the Democratic establishment. All of the AOC will be covered in this post.
At Boston University, Alexandria Ocasio Cortez double majored in economics and international relations. The young woman’s degree came in handy because she would shortly start working in an office on Capitol Hill. But prior to her astounding success, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez worked a number of low-paying jobs after graduating from college to support her family in the wake of her father’s passing.


When she was Sandy from Flats Fix, a tiny Manhattan takeria, she was loved for her friendliness and infectious kindness. She worked as an intern in Senator Ted Kennedy’s office at the college and then volunteered for then-Senatorial nominee Bernie Sanders’ campaign. Read more
From bartender to political organizer, Sandy came up with the idea to run for office after he returned from a trip to see protests against the Dakota Access pipeline. She soon became Alexandria Ocasio Cortez, a Bronx native seeking a seat in the US House of Representatives.
After 18 months, Alexandria Ocasio Cortes became popular, becoming the youngest woman to win a seat in Congress. She defeated Joe Crowley, who was in his 10th term in the Democratic primaries for the 14th arrondissement of New York. No one was ready for the young woman’s victory, especially since she gained celebrity status after winning Congress.
However, the unlikely arrival of Alexandria Ocasio Cortez in the office is both a blessing and a curse. She became one of the most talked-about politicians in the United States after the president. A few months after sitting in her office on Capitol Hill, she was either the “Wicked Witch” or “Wonder Woman,” depending on whether her fans or opponents were speaking.
Alexandria Ocasio Cortez’s Twitter followers also grew significantly even before her victory. Thousands of Americans have watched on Instagram everything she does, from potting plants to making black bean soup. The signature lipstick she always wears was also sold out online shortly after she tweeted the name and brand. She also used social platforms to communicate directly with American voters, more as an influencer and lifestyle blogger.
In the office, most people call her a political phenomenon, the best storyteller since President Barack Obama. Alexandria Ocasio Cortez is part legislator, part activist.
Many noted that one of her advantages during the campaign was her attractive personality and attractiveness to young people. While that didn’t get her a seat, it still sounded plausible since the youngest female congressman is sexy and attractive as well.

Early life and education of AOC hot

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez was born to a working-class Puerto Rican family in the Bronx, New York. She graduated from Boston University with a degree in economics and international relations and worked in Senator Ted Kennedy’s office where she dealt with immigration issues while she was in college.
After leaving school, she returned home and became a community organizer. However, with the onset of a recession and the financial troubles her family faced following her father’s death from cancer in 2008, Ocasio-Cortez took several low-paying restaurant jobs to keep them afloat.

The net worth of Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez

AOC positions itself as a working-class person for New Yorkers. “I think we need to be the party that first and foremost has to answer again to the working class and marginalized people,” she told Progressive in September 2018.
After Ocasio-Cortez defeated Rep. Joe Crowley in the June primary and won the November general election, she told the New York Times that she was worried about paying her rent in Washington D.C. before pay $ 174,000 a year. Congressional salaries have increased.
According to public figures, she had $ 15,000 in savings in 2018, which should have been more than enough to pay an average of $ 2,700 for her Washington apartment. $ 174,000 is a decent salary for anyone in America, let alone a 30-year-old as of 2020.
In contrast, the 2019 median household income in America is only roughly $68,700. the chart below from the US Census Bureau. A Hispanic family’s actual median income is $56,113.
According to the head of public affairs, AOC hot had roughly $7,000 in savings at the end of 2018. Where her remaining savings of $15,000 went is unclear. She might have used her money to relocate and get ready for a new job in the government.
She made roughly $26,600 in 2018. She stated in a statement on July 10, 2019, before a House Financial Services Committee meeting on Capitol Hill that she still owes $19,000 in student loan debt.

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